Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

The Efficacy ofPrayer, &c. Vol. II. no refit, afk, and feek, and knock, and addrefs our felves to him with all earneft- nefs, and never give over till our defires were granted. 3. Let us take heed ofgrieving the Spirit of . God, and provoking him to with- draw hitnfeiffrom us. As God is very ready to give his Spirit to us, fo we thould give the belt entertainment we can to fo great a Gueft, left we givehim caufe to take away his Holy Spirit from us. And there are two things chiefly which pro- voke God hereto. (t.) Ifwe refill and quench the motions of his Spirit, and be incompliant to the diftates and fuggeftions of it. We affront the Spirit of God which is given us for our guidance and direftion, when we will not be ruled, and governed, and led by it; we thruft the Spirit of God out ofhis Office, and make his prefence ufelefsand unneceffary to us; and this caufeth him to go away grieved from us. (a.) If we harbour and entertain any thing that is of a contrary quality and nature to him, and inconfiftent with him; and of fuch a nature is every luft and corruption that is cherifh'd in our Souls.' The Spirit ofGod is the belt Friend in the World: but as Friends have the moft tender refentments of unkind ufage, fo the Spirit of God is of a molt tender and delicate fenfe, and cannot bear unkind- nefs, efpecially fuch an unkindnefs, as to take in to him thegreateft Enemyhe hath in the World: for there is no fuch ftrong antipathy in nature, as there is between fin, and the Holy Spirit of God. The Spirit of God cannot endure to dwell in an impure Soul. If we would have the Spirit of God abide with us, we mutt give no entertainment to any Tuft, we tuftbanith the love of all fin for ever out of our hearts: for if we harbour any luft in our bofom, it will be to us as Dalilah was to Sampfon, it will infenfibly bereave us of ourffrength; the Spirit of God will depart from us, and we fball be like other men. 4. And laflly, God's readinefs to afford the grace and affiftance of his Holy Spi- rit to us, to enable us to the performance of our Duty, and the obedience of his Laws, makes all wilful fin and difobedience inexcufable. Let us not pretend any longer the impoffibility, or infuperable difficulty of our Duty, when fo power- ful an Alliance is offer'd to us. If any Man come short of ,Happinefs for want of performing the Conditions of the Gofpel , it is by his own wilful fault and negligence; becaufe he would not beg God's Grace, and becaufe he would not make ufe of it. If any Man be wicked, and continue in a finful courfe, it is not for want of power, but of will to do better. God is always before-hand with us in the offers of his grace and affiftance, and is wanting to no Man in that which is neceffary to make him good and happy. No Man fhall be able to plead at the day of Judgment want of Power to have done his Duty: for God will judge the World in Righteoufnefs; and then I am fure he will condemn no Man, for not having done that whichwas impoffible for him to do. God hath done enough for every Man to leave himwithoutexcufe. St.Paul tells us, that the blindHeathens Thould have no Apology to make for themfelves. Next to the Being of God, and his Goodnefs, and Juftice, I do as verily believe it, as I do anything in the World, that no Man fhall be able to fay to God at the great Day, Lord, I would have re- pented ofmy fins, and obeyed thyLaws, but I wanted power to do it; I was left def./hateof the Grace which was neceffary to the performance and difcharge of my Duty; I did earneftly beg thy HolySpirit, but thou didit deny me. No Man (hall have the face to fay this to God at the great Day; every Man's Confcience will then acquit God, and lay all the fault upon his own folly and negleft: for then every mouth (hall beflopped, and God fball be juflified in his faying, andover- come when we are judged. SE?-