Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

666 The bad andthe good Ufe of vol-11. Not but that the hand of God doth fometimes as it were by a finger point at the fin , which it defigns to punifh ., as when remarkable punifhtnents follow vifibly upon notorious fins ; when the fanner is punifh'd, flagrance crimine, in thevery aft and heat of his fin ; when force great and clamorous impietycalls down force more immediate and fudden judgment from Heaven ; when a fin is punifh'd in its own kind,with a judgment fo plainly fuited to it, and fo pat, that the punifhment car- ries the very mark and fignature of the fin upon it ; as in the cafe ofAdonibezek, who was forc'd to acknowledge, that as he had done, foGodhad requited him; and as in the known Rory of Bajazet , who having been a cruel and barbarous Tyrant was punifh'd in his own kind , by falling into the hands of Tamerlain, who ufed himwith the fame infolence and cruelty; which he had exercifed to- wards others. In fuchcafes as thefe, Men may without uncharitablenefs conclude, that fuch a Judgment ofGod was fent upon a particular errand to ehaftife and punifh fuch a fin : but then in fuch cafes as thefe, we do not from theJudgments inflifted con- clude a perfonguilty of force great finwhich wedo not know before ; but by com- paring the fin, which we knew him to beguilty of, with the Judgment which was inflifted, we do reafonablycoiled, that fuch a Judgment was probably fent for fuch a fin; but generally fpeaking, no Man can with certainty conclude, from the greatnefs of the Judgment that falls upon any one, that fuch a Man was a more grievous (inner than others, who haveefcaped the fame or the like Judgments. II. It is foolifh likewife to take any comfort and encouragement to our felves, that becaufe we have efcaped thofe fore Judgments which have befallen others; therefore we are better than they are ; for (as I have íhewn) thefe Judgments do not neceffarily import, that thofe upon whom they fall, are greater faonera, and that thofe who efcape them, are not fo: but fuppofe it true, that theywere greater finners than we are, for any Man from hence to take encouragement to himfelf to continue in fin, is as if from thefevere punifhment which is inflifted upon aTray- tor, a Man fhould encourage himfelf in Felony; both thefe forts of Criminals are by the Law in danger of Death, only the Circumftances of Death are in one cafe more fevere and terrible, than in the other ; but he that from hence encourageth himfelf in Felony, reafons very ill, becaufe heargues againft his own life, The only prudent inference that can be made, is not to come within the danger of the Law, which punifheth all Crimes, tho' not with equal feverity. Thus I have donewith the frî thing Ipropounded to fpeak to from thefe words viz. The wrong Ufe which too many are apt to make of theSignal and Extraor- dinary Judgments of God upon others. I proceed to the Second thing I obferved in theText, viz. The right ufe we fhould make of the Judgments of God upon others ; and that is to refleet upon our own fins, and to re- pent of them, left a like or greater Judgment overtake us. Thisour Saviour tells us in the next words, But except ye repent, ye(hallall likewife per/h, As if he had faid, There is no reafon at all, whyye fhould conclude from thofe terrible Judg- ments of God, whichhave befallenthofe miferable Perfons, that they were grea- ter finners than your felves, who have for the prefent efcaped thofe Judgments : but inftead ofcenfuring others, you Ihould look intoyour felves; the molt proper refleftion to be made upon fuch occafions is, that you are liable to the likeJudg- ments, your fins have deferved that God's Providence fhould have dealt fo with you, as it bath donewith thofeGalileans, whofe blood Pilatemingledwith theirSa- crifices ; or with thofe eighteen perfons upon whom the Tower in Siloam fell; and for what reafons foever thefeJudgments of God fell upon them, and pafs'd by you, (which you are not at all concered to inquire into) to be fure if you con- tinue impenitent, you have reafon to expert the like , or greater rum. When we fee theJudgments ofGod abroad in theworld, and to fall heavily up- onparticular Places and Perfons, we fhould argue thus with our felves ; For what reafon the holy and wife Providence of God path dealt fo feverely with. others, I knownot; whether out ofa particular difpleafure againftthem, for forcenotorious fin committedby them; or whether for a merciful warning to me and others; or for both i it is not for me to pry curiouflyinto the Counfels of God, and to wade into alma