670 Vo1.11. PRAYERS Compos'd by Arch-Bithop TIL LOTSON. Towhich is added, A short DISCOURS E to his Servants before the SACRAMENT. 14 Prayer before the Sermon. GReat and glorious LordGod! the High and Holy One, who inhabiteft Eter- nity, and dwelleft in that light which is not to be approach'd : We pray thee to look down from Heaven, the Habitations of thy Holinefs and thy Glory, upon us vile and finful Creatures. Have mercy upon us, O Lord ! and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our Tranfgreulìons : And do thou keep it for ever in the purpofe and refolution ofour Heart, to ferve and fear thee for the future, and to keepall thy Commandments always, that it may be well with us, and with our Childrenafter us. We pray thee to ;his to write thy Law in our Hearts , and to put thy Fear into our inward parts, that we may never depart from thee. - Grant us the Grace of thy Holy Spirit, to become every day better ; to reform and amend whatever is amifs in the franie and temper of our minds, or in the courfe and aftions of our lives; to enable us to mortifie our Lufls, to govern our Paffions, and to order our whole Converfation aright; to affift us to all that is good, and to keep us from all evil, and to preferve us to thy heavenly Kingdom. We pray thee to inftru& us in all the particulars ofour Duty, which we owe to Thee and Men; that we may herein exercife our felves always to have Confcien- ces void of offence both towards God and toward§ Men ; that we may love thee the Lord ourGod with all our Hearts and with all our Souls, and with all our Strength; and may love our Neighbour as our felves, and whatever we would that Men fhould do untous, that we may do likewife unto them. And let the Grace of God, which hath appeared to allMen, and brings Salvation, teach us that denying Ungodlinefs and worldly Lufis, we may live Soberly and Righteoufly and Godly in this prefent world; waiting for the bleffed hopeand glorious appearing of the great God and our SaviourJefus Chrift, who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie to himfelf a peculiar People, zealous of good Works, . And we pray thee tomake us fenfible of our own frailty, of the fhortnefs and uncertainty of this Life, and of the eternity of the next; tomake us careful fo to live, as we (hall with we haddone whenwe come to die : let our Loins always be girded about, and our Lamps burning, and we our felves like unto Men that wait for their Lord. Wepray thee with us to extend thyGoodnefs to the whole world, Let thyway he known upon Earth, and thy faving Health among all Nations. Pity and re- lieve the Miferies and AÇfli&ions of Men ; efpecially thofe in our neighbour Nati- ons, who fuffer for thy Truth and Righteoufnefs fake. Support them OLord ! under their Sufferings; and in thy due time deliver them out of them. Blefs thy Church : Reform whatfoever thou feeft to be amifs in the belief and lives of 4 Chriftians;