Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

Vol. II. Prayers before his. Confeoration ferved me from the great dangers to which my life was expofed; and froin Tex, ptations which would have been too hard for me, if thyGrace had not prevented them, and kept -me from falling into them : This, OLord, I acknowledge a one of the great bleffingsof my life, for which I defirecontinually tomagnifie thyGreat and Glorious Name. I biefs thee jikewife O Lord I for that meafure .of health which I have enjoy- ed, and for my recovery from a great and dangerous Sicknefs for any happy en- dowments of mind; for that degree ofunderstanding which thou haft given me :i and for preferving it to me, when my dear Mother, for fo manyYears of her life, loft the ufe and enjoyment of it, and might have derived that unhappinefs to me her Child, . ifthy merciful Goodnefs had not prevented it. Forgive me, O Lord that I havemade no better ufe of the faculties, which thou haft endowed mewith- al, for thyGlory, and the benefit and advantage of others. Bleffed be thy Name likewife, that thou haft at any time of life, and hi any meafure render'd me ufeful to any good purpofe; I acknowledge it to be all from thee; and I defire to return the praife,of all to thee my great and con= Rant Benefactor. Bleffed beGodfor the favour thouhaft given me withMen both of low and high condition; and the Friends which thou haft raifed up for me , to preferve me from the malice ofmine Enemies, and thofe who hate me withoút a caufe, and not . for anyfault ofmine toward them, O Lord thouknoweff. More efpecially I biefs thee for that great and undeferved favour which I have found in the eyes of our excellent King and Queen. Give me, O Lord, the Heart, and, ifit be thyWill, the opportunity to ferve them in fume meafure to anfwer their favours to me, and the good opinion they have conceived ofme, by rendering me ufeful and inftrumental for the Publick Good of this diftraded. King dom and Church, in endeavouring co heal and reconcile our unhappy differences, and to reform the diforders that are in thyChurch, and the lives and manners both of the Minifters and People. Finally I biefs thee for all the favours and blefsingS of my life both Spiritual and Temporal, fo plentifully beftowed upon me; and above all, for a fincere dew fire to ferve and pleafe thee, my molt gracious and merciful God, and to do good to men made after thine image. Accept, O Lord! this my hearty Sacrifice of Praife and Thankfgiving whichÍ offer up to thy Divine 1VJajefty, thro' the Merits and MediationofJeff's Clon!! my blelfedSaviour and Redeemer. Amen, Amen. Neat I made this humble andpenitent confefion ofmyfins, and earnelfupplica. tionfor the pardon andforgivenefs of them. ,I bowmyfelf before thee, molt Holy and Gracious LordGod, in a deep fence of mine own vilenefs and finfulnefs, which render me altogether unworthy of the least ofthofe many favours and bleffings wherewith thou haft been pleas'd to follow me all thedays ofmy life. I ain a finful Man, O Lord , and not worthy to lift up mine Eyes to thee my God. My. whole life bath been little elfe but a con- tinued courfe of difobedience, of unthankfulnefs, and unworthy returns to thee for all thy Benefits. I have gone affray from the Womb, and have grie. voufly tranfgreffed thy holy Laws and Commandments, in thought, word, and deed. I defire now to confefs my fins to thee, and with great fhame and contrition to bewail and lament "them in thy prefence. Father, I have finned again££ Heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy tobe calledthy Son, fo that if thoubeffria to mark iniquity, 0 Lord ! who canfland? Lord, I am vile, what 'hall Ianfwer thee ? I abhor myfelfand repent in duff andems. I confefs the folly of my Childhood, and the great fins and vanities of my Youth, and the many great provocations, which in the courfeof my life I have been often, too often guilty of; the impurities of my Heart, and the many evil a&ions ofmy.life, which thou, O Lord! knowefl all together; and for which I define to take fhame to my felf, and to be confounded before thee at the remem- i ranee of them. Lord, they are ai mn thyfight, and theme fecret fins ofmy life in Rrrr the 673