Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

674 Prayers before hisConfecration, the light of thy countenance. I am afhamed, O myGod, and blufh to lift up mine Eyes to thee myGod. I confefs likewife before thee, that I have molt grievouflyomitted and neglefted my Duty to thee, innot making better ufe of the talents and opportunities ofdoing good, which thouhaft entrufted me withal; Í have offended grievoufly, and been wanting to my Duty, in a great part of my life ; toward thofe whom thou haft committed to my charge, in not inítruding them , and watching over them as I ought, to inform them in the good knowledge ofGod ; and to improve in other knowledge as was my Duty to have done. Lord forgive this great and heinous fin. I have offended against thee by Anger and Impatience upon many öccafions; by neglefting to cultivate my mind , and to govern my Paflìons; by uncharitablenefs and evil-fpeaking ; and, efpecially by mifpending my precious time, which might have been employed to excellent purpofes. Lord , what can I fay unto thee for thefe and innumerable other provocations ofmy life ; But there isforgivenefs with thee, that thou may'il befeared. Lord let thy goodnefs , which I have had fuch plentiful experience of, lead me to repentance, and not to be repentedof Have mercy upon me, O Lord, andaccording to the multitudeofthy tender mercies, blot out all myTranfgreffions, for thymercy injefus Chri/f, whom thou haftfet forth to be propitious by his blood for the fins of the whole World. I do now, O Lord, in a deep fenfe of my finfulnefs, and a hearty contrition for all my faults of omiffion and commiflìon which I have been guilty of, humble my felfbefore thee, and earneftly implore thy mercy and forgivenefs. I do not only repent ofall the evils of my paft life ; but am now fully refolved by thygrace ut- terly to forfake them, and break dfthe prafticeof them; and do moft heartilybeg the afíiftance of thyGrace to make good this holy refolution for the remaining part of my life. Create in one a clean heart, 0 God l and renew a right Spirit within me ; and do thou keep it for ever in the purpofe and refolution of my Heart, to make good what I have now fo folemnly promifed to thee ; fuffer me not to turn again to fin and folly; but let thyGrace continuallypreferve me, and enable me to do better; and let not fin have any more dominion over me, that I fbouldferve it in the lulls of it Grant this, O merciful Father, for the fake of my bleffed Saviour and Redee- mer, who died forourfins, and rofe againfor ourjuflification, and nowfitted) at thy right hand to make interceffionfir firmer: : In his Naine and Mediation I offer up this adof Repentance, and thefe my humble fupplications for pardon and forgive-, nefs, for thy Grace and Afiìftance, concluding all in his comprehenfive Prayer. Our. Father, &r. Next a Praÿerfor God'sbiding upon me, and his; and his HolySpirit to be con- ferredupon me in thefolemn dedication ofme the dayfollowing to this high and holy Office. Almighty and molt merciful Lord God, thegiver ofeverygood andperfetl Gift, and the Father of lights, who haft promifed, that ifany man lack wifdom, he (hall afk it of thee, who give/l to all liberally andupbraidefl not, andit fhall hegiven him; I molt humbly befeech thee in the folemn a&ion of the day following, where- in I thy Servant am to be dedicated, and fet apart to the Service of thee, and thy Church, in fo high and holy an Office, to flied forth upon me, thy molt unworthy Servant, the Gifts and Graces of thy Holy Spirit in a plentiful meafure. And line by thine own wife and good Providence, and the importunate delire of thofe whom thou haft fet in Authority over us, I am called to the Government and Conduft of this miferable diftrafted and divided Church, in fo verydifficult and dangerous a time, be pleafed of thine infinite Mercy and Goodnefs to thy finful and molt unworthyServant, to afford him the Grace and Affiftance of thyHoly Spirit, to enable him fo to difcharge the Office which thou haft called him to, that thy Naine may be Glorified, and thisChurch, which thou haftcommitted, tohis charge, may be edified in Faith andIlolinefs, in Love, Peace, and Union, by his diligent and faithful cares and endeavours; grant to him fucha degree of Health, fuch a 5 vigour