Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

Prayers before his Çonfeeratîon 675 vigour of mind, and fuch a meafure of thy Heavenly Grace and Wifdom, as may fit him to be a ufeful Pallor of thy Church. Give ine OLord, amind, after thine own Heart, that I may delight to do by Will, 0 my God, and let thy Law be written in m9 Heart, Give me courage and refolution to do my Duty, and a Heart tofpend my feif, and to befpent in thyService, and in doing all the good that poffible I can the few remaining days of my Pilgrimage here on Earth. I have had great experienceof thygreat Mercy and Goodnefs to me all mydays Hide not thyfacefrom me in this needful time. Thou haft been my help; leave me Kai. 27. not, norforfake me, 0God of my Salvation g teach me thy way, 0 Lord, and lead9,=" me in aplainpath becaufe of mine enemies. In thee, 0 Lord, do I hope ; thou wilt prat 38. hear, OLordmyGod ; here-meleft otherwife mine enemies fhouldrejoyce over me, and l a, 16. when myfootflippeth theyfhosld magnifie themfelves again'! me. Deliver me 0 my God, out oft¿hehandofthe wicked , out ofthe hands of unrightecusnand cruel men : for thou art my hope, O LordGod, thou haft been my trillfrommyrotith, by thee have I been holden upfrom the womb; my praife pall be continually ofthee. I am as a won der unto many; but thou artmyfirong refuge. Cart me not off in the time ofold Age, forfake me not when m} firength faileth. O God, thou haß taught mefrom my Touth, andhitherto have Ideclaredthy wondrousworks: nowalpwhen Iam old andgrey-head- ed,forfake me not, until I have'hewed thy /frength unto this Generation, and thypower to them that are to come. Hear me, 0 Lord, for thy Mercy'sfake in jefusChr f my bleífed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Then I read the Prayers in the Confecration Office. I concluded with a Prayerfor the King andQueen, and a feort Ejaculation. OLordand heavenly Father, high and mighty, KingofKings, andLord of Lords, theonly ruler of Princes, whodóft from thy Throne behold all the dwellers upon Earth, moft heartily I befeech thee with thy favour to behold our molt gracious So- vereign Lord and Lady, King William and Queen Mary; endue them with all thofe Graces andVirtues which may fit them for that high Station wherein thou haft placed them ; give themWifdomandUnderflanding to go in andout before this great People, and a Heart to feek their good all the days oftheir lives; and make them great examples of Piety andVirtue to an evil and degenerate Age. Preferve them in their Perfons, govern their Counfels, and profper their Forces by Sea and Land, and make them vi&orious over their Enemies. Be pleafed to take the Per- lon of theKing into the particular care ofthy Providence. Give thy Angels charge over him to keepbim in all bis ways; cover his head in the day of battle; and Crown him withVictory and goodSuccefs. Give Courage and Refolution to him, and to his Armies and Fleets, and take away the Hearts of his Enemies. Scatter the people that delight in War; thew thyfelf, thou Judge of the Earth, and render a reward to the proud. Let not iniquity always triumph in the oppreffion of thy People. Let the wickednefs of the wicked come to an end ; but do thou eftablifh thejuft. I befeech thee to biefs and ftrengthen the Queen, to whom thou haft now commit- ted the Care and Government of theft Nations. Giveher wifdonl and refolution for fuch a time as this. Difcover and defeat all thedefigns ofwicked and unreafo- nable Men againft the Perfons of their Majefties, and againft our Peace and Reli= gi`ón, and turn their Counfels intofoolifhnefs. Strike through the loins of thofe that rife'up againft that happy Government, which thy fignal Providence hath efta- blifh'd among us. O Lord biefs them both (if it be thy bleffed Will) with a hopeful iffue to fit upon theThrone after them, and to be a biding to thefe Na- tions for many Generations. This, OLord, is not impoffible with thee. Have a gracious regard, I befeech thee, to the humble condition of the Queen thy Servant, and make ber that was barren tofing, and to become a joyful Mother of Children. Hear nay Prayer, O Lord, in this behalf, for thy Mercy's fake in7efus Chr. Amen. And now , OLord, I humbly befeech thee to accept ofthefe my Praifes and Thankfgivings, which I have humbly offer'd to thy Divine Majefty; of my Hti- miliation and Repentance for all the fins ofmy life ; and of my Refolution of a better Obedience for the future, and to enable me by thy Grace to make them Rrrr 2 good.