Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

i7_ A Form of PRAYER S, ufed byHis late Maje- fly, K. William III. when he received the Holy Sacrament. and on other occafions. JOHN IX. 4. I muff work the worksof him that fent me, while it is day, the night com- eth when no man can work Cotos. III. 17. Whatfoeverye do in word or in deed, do all in the Name of the Lord yips, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. A Prayer to God, that he would be pleafed to afff and accept my Prepa- ration to receive the B. Sacrament. IProftrate my felfbefore thee, my mod gracious God and merciful Father, in an humble Acknowledgment of myUnworthinefs and Infufficiency of my felf, for any thing that is good. I amfenfible that without Thee I can donothing; and therefore do humbly implore thy gracious Aífiftance, and Acceptance of my endea- vour to prepare my felffor the worthy receiving of the bleffed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of thy dear Son. Stir up, I befeech thee, fuch pious affenions and difpofitions in my Soul, and fill my mindwith fuch holy Meditations as are fuitable to this Occafion. Grant me fuch a fenfe of my fins, and of the fufferings of my bleffed Saviour for them, as may affen my Heart with a deep forrow for my fins , and an eternal ha- tred and difpleafure againft them, and may effenually engage me to Love, and Live to him who dy'd for me, Jefus Chrift my bleffed Saviour and Re- deemer, ilmen. A Penitent Confeffion ofSins, with an humble Supplication for Mercy and Forgivenefs OST gracious and merciful God, who art of purer Eyes than to behold iniquityt I defile to humble my Soul before Thee, in a deep fenfe of my own vilenefs and unworthinefs, by,reafon of the many fins and provocations, which I have been guilty of againft thy Divine Majefty; by thought, word and deed. Forgive, O Lord, all the fins and follies ofmy life, which have beenmany and great ; and which I do now with fhame and forrow confefs and bewail before thee, for thy mercies fake in Jefus Chrift. Pardon, O my God, my manifold neg- leas and millions, and flight and carelefs performance of the duties ofReligion, without due Affenion and Attention of mind; that I have not ferved thee with that purity of intention, with that fincerity of Heart, with that fervency of Spirit, with that Zeal for thy Glory, with that care and diligence, and con- ftancy, that I ought. Forgive, O Lord, my Ens of Ignorance and Infirmity, which are more than can be numbred; but efpecially, all mywilful Tranfgreffions of thy holyand righteous 5 Laws;