Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

678 Prayers ufedby KWilliam Vol.II. Laws; the impurity of my heart and thoughts, all irregular Appetites and Paf- fions, and every finful and wicked Practice, of what nature or kind foever. More particularly, I do with great fhame and confufionofface, confefs and lamentbefore xerou thee, from whom nothing is hid, that I have grievoufly offended. a 'There my to Tranfgreffions, with many more, which I cannot remember and reckon up before Farbou thee, are all in thy fight, O Lord, and my molt fecret fins in the light of thy tart. Countenance. When I lookback upon the errors and mifcarriages ofmy pall life, and confider with my felf what I have done, andwhat I deferve at thy hands, my Elena trembleth for fear of Thee, and I am afraid of thy Judgments. I am afhamed, O my God, and blufh to lift up mine Eyes to thee my God. Lord, I am vile -; what (hall I anfwer Thee? I abhor my felf, and repent in Duft and Allies. Make the deeply fenfible of the great Evil of my fins , and work in me a hearty Contrition for them ; and let the fenfe of them be more grievous to me than of any other Evil whatfoever. Have mercy upon me, O Lord, and accord- ing to thy tender mercies forgive all my Tranfgrefhons , for the fake of my bleffed Saviourand'Redeemer. Amen A Prayer for the Grace and Affiance of God's Holy Spirit to en- able me to refolve and to do better for the future. A ND now , O Lord, in Confidence of thy great Mercy and Goodnefs to 11. all that are truly Penitent, and fincerely refolve to do better, I molt humbly implore the Grace and Af iftance of thyHoly Spirit, to enable me to become every day better , and to reform whatever has been amifs in the temper and difpofition of my mind, or in any of the a&ions of my life, Grant me the wifdom and un- derfianding to know my duty, and the heart and will to do it. Vouchfafe to me the continual prefence and dire&ion, the affiftance and comfortsof thy Holy Spirit ; whereby I may be difpos'd and enabled to do thy Will with delight and cheerfulnefs, and with patience and contentednefs to fubmit to it in all things. Endue , me O Lord, with the true Fear and Love of Thee, and with a prudent Zeal for thy Glory. Encreafe in me more and more the Graces of Charity andMeeknefs , of Truth, and Juflice , and Fidelity ; give me Humility and Pa- tience, and a firmnefs of Spirit to bear every condition with conftancy and equality of mind. Enableme, O Lord, by thy Grace to govern all my Appetites , and every inor- dinate luft and pailion, by Temperance and purity, and meeknefsof wifdom ; fet- ting Thee always before tie, that I may not fin againft Thee. Create in me a clean Heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit within me, purifie my Soul from all evil Thoughts and Inclinations, from all bad Intentions and De- figns. Deliver me, O Lord, from Pride and Vanity, from immoderate Self - Love, and obftinate Self-Will, and from all Malice and Envy, and ill Will to- wards any. Make me to love Thee, as I ought, above all things; and let the Intereft of thy Honour and Glory be ever dearer to me than my own Will, or Reputation, or anyTemporal Advantage whatfoever: Subdue in one the evil Spirit of Wrath and Revenge ; and difpofe my Heart pa- tiently to bear Reproaches and Wrongs, and to be ready not only to forgive, but to return good for evil. AEI me, O Lord , more efpecially'in the faithful and confcientious difcharge of the duties of that high Station in which thou haft placed me: And grant that I may employ all that Power and Authority which thou haft invefted me with, for thy Glory and the publickGood; that I mayRule over Men in thy Fear, with Juftice and Equity, ever ftudying and endeavouring the good of the People com- mitted to my Charge, and as much as in nie lies the peace and profperity, the wel- fare and happinefs of Mankind. r .farm 2