Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

Volitif. Prayers ufedby K. William Confirm me, Omy God in all thefe holyRefolutions ; and do Thou keep it for ever in the purpofe of my Heart, to perform them to the utmoft of my Power: All which 1 humbly beg for. thy Mercies fake in Jefus Chrift. Amen. 679 tin humble Interceon with Godfor all Mankind; for the whole Chriffian Church , and more particularly for that part of it which is planted in thefe Kingdoms; for the Queen andfor all under our Government ; for my Relations and Friends i for my Native Country, andfor my Allies, &c. IThine unworthy Servant defirer likewife humbly to intercede with Thee, the God and Father ofAll, for all Mankind ; that thou wouldeft bepleafed to have Compaffion upon their blindnefs and ignorance, their grofs errors and their wicked pradifes. Send forth, I befeech thee , thy light and thy truth to fcatter that thick darknefs which covers the Nations, and overfpreads fo great a part of the World; that thy way may be known uponEarth , and thy faving health among all Nations. Blefs and preferve thy Church difperfed over the face of the Earth, reftore to it Unity and Concord, in the acknowledgment of the Truth , and the practice of Righteoufnefs and Goodnefs. Remove out of it all errors and corruptions, all of fences and fcandals , all divifions and diffenfions , all tyranny and ufurpation over the minds and confciences of Men; that they who profefs the fame faith, may no longer perfecute and deftroy one another, but may be kind and tender-hearted one towardsanother, as it becomes Brethren, and thofe that are heirs of the fame com- mon Salvation. I befeech Theemore efpecially, to be merciful to that part of thyChurch, which thou haft planted in thefe Kingdoms. Pity the Diftra&ions and heal theBreaches . ofit. Purge out ofit all Impiety and Profanenefs; take away thofe miftakes, and mutualexafperations, whichcaufe fomuch diftemper and difturbance; and reftore to it Piety andVirtue, Peace and Charity. Endue the Paflórs and Governours of it, with the Spirit of true Religion and Goodnefs, and make them zealous and di- ligent to promote it in thofe who are under their infirudion and care. Give them wifdom to difcern the belt and molt proper means ofcompofing the differences of this miferably divided Church, the Heart to endeavour it, and by thybleflingupon their endeavours the happinefs to effect it. And I befeech Thee, O Lord, ofThy greatGoodnefs, to biefs all my Relations and Friends ; particularly my deareft Confort the Queen.' I acknowledge Thy fpecial Providence in bringing us together, and thereby giving me the opportunity and means of being inflrumental in refcuing thefe Nations from mifery and ruin. And as Thou haft been pleafed to unite us in the neareft Relation ; fo T befeech thee to preferve and continue that entire love and affedion between us, which be- comes that Relation. And if it be thy bleffed Will, and thou feet it heft for us, biefs us withChildren, to fit upon the Throne of thefe Kingdoms , and to be a blefling to them for many Generations. Be merciful alfo, O God, to my native Country; let trueReligion and righte- oufnefs be eltablifhed among them, as the furet foundation of their Peace and Profperity. Biefs allmyAllies ; O Righteous Lord , that loved Righteoufnefs , and hatet Falfhood and Wrong, do thouRand byus in the Maintenance of that juít Caufe in which we are engaged, and biefs us with Union and good Succefs. And in thy good time, OLord, reftore Peace to Chriftendom; put an end to thofe bloodyWars and Defolations, wherewith it bath been fo long and fo mife- rably harrafs'd : And, when Thou feet it belt and fittell, manifet thy glorious 'utice in giving check to that Ambition and Cruelty, which bath been the caufe of