68p Prayers ufed by K. William. of fo great Calamities, to To great a part of the World. OGod, to whom Venge- ance belongeth, OGod, to whom Vengeance belongeth, fhew thy feif: Lift up thy felf thouJudge of the Earth, and"render a Reward to the Proud: Scatter the People that delight in War : Let the Wickednefs of the wicked come to an end, but do thou Eftablifh the juft. Be merciful, O God, to all that are in aflliétion or diftrefs ; that labour under Poverty, or Perfecution, or Captivity; under bodily Pains and Difeafes, or under Temptation and Trouble of Mind : Be pleafed tö fupporf and comfort them, and in thy due time todeliver them, according to thy great Mercy. Fòrgive, I befeech thee, moft merciful Father, to all mine Enemies all their malice and ill Will towards me; and give them Repentance and better Minds : which I heartily beg of thee for them, as I my felf hope for Mercy and For- givenefs at thy Hands, through the Merits and MediationofJefus Chrift mymolt merciful God and Saviour. Amen. A Thankful Acknowledgment of the Mercies of GOD both Temporal and Spiritual ; and above all for the Redemption of Mankind by the Humiliation and Sufferings of his Son in our Nature. BLeffed and Glorious Lord God, the great Creator and Preferver , and Gover- nour ofall things ; mySaviour and Deliverer, and continual Benefaror ; I acknowledge', I admire, I adore thy infinite Excellencies and Perfeetions : And let all theCreatures in Heaven and Earth fay Amen. IRender Thanks to thee, molt gracious God, for innumerable Favours confer- red upon me thy poor Creature, and moft unworthy ; for my Being, for my Reafon, and for all other Endowments and Faculties of Soul and Body ; for thy continual Care and watchful Providence over me from thebeginning ofmy Life, and through thewhole courfe ofit : For all the happycircumftances ofmy birth and E. ducation : For the pious care ofmy dear and ever honoured Mother, andGrandmo- ther, andof all others who had the charge of me in my tender Years : For thy unwearied Patiencetowards me, after fo many and fo great Provocations : And for thy merciful and wonderful Prefervation of me from innumerable dangers and deaths towhich I have been expofedall my life. I will ftill hope in thyGoodnefs, O Lord, who haft been myTruft from my youth ; by thee have I been holden up from the womb , my Praife !hall be continually of thee. Above all I adore thy tender Mercy and Compaffion to me and all Mankind, in fending thy only Son into the World to redeem us from Sin and Mifery, and by fuffering in our nature and dying in our ftead, to purchafe for us Eternal Life. I blefs thee for the Light of the glorious Gofpel, for the knowledge and fenfe of my Duty to- wards thee ; for delivering me from Temptations too hard for me, and fuppor- ting me under many : For the Direetions and Af iftance, and Comforts of thy Holy Spirit : For reftraining me by thy Grace, and reclaiming me from theways of Sin andVanity : And for all the gracious Communications of thy Goodnefs, whereby thou haft inclined my Heart to love and fear thee, and enabled me in any meafure todo thyWill. For thefe and all other thy lileffìngs and Favours to me, which are more than can be number'd ; I render unto thee, molt gracious God, all "poffible Praife and Thanks by Jefus Chrift my Bleffed Lord and Saviour. /!men. A Prayer