Prayers z f d by K illiaxn. A Prayer to God, to prepare my Heart for the worthy receiving of the Holy Sacrament, and to make me partaIer of the bleffings and benefits of it. Corne to thee, Omy Lord God, from whom are the Preparation of the Heart, I and the good Difpofitionof our Minds for thyWorfhip and Service. Fit me, O Lord, by hearty Contrition for my fins and a fincere refolution of a better courfe, to approach thyAltar. Accept of the Expiation which thy Son hath made of all myTranfgreflions bythe Sacrifice of himfelf, as ofaLamb without fpot and blemifh. Let the remembrance of my fins, and of his bitter fufferings for them, pierce my very Heart, and engage me for ever to love and ferve him, who laid down his life for me. Cleanfe me, OLord, front all filthinefs of Flefh and Spirit, that I may be a meet Guefl for thy holy Table, and a real partaker of thofe bieffings and bene- lits which are reprefented in the SacramentofChrift's Body and Blood. Strengthen, O God, all good refolutions in me i enable me by thy Grace faithfully to perform theconditions of that Covenant, which I made in Baptifm, and intend to renew in the holy Sacrament, by dedicating my felf entirely, and for ever, to the fervice of my bleffed Redeemer, who bath loved me, and wafhed me from my fins in his own Blood. To him be all Honour and Glory, Thankfgiving and Praife, Love and Obedience for ever and ever. Amen. Short Meditations and Ejaculations at the Communion. Before the MinUler begins the Service. ILift up my Soul to thee, my God, humbly imploring thybleffing upon me, ánd gracious Afliflance of me in the holy Aftion I am now about. Forgive my want ofdue preparation and accept of my fincere defire to perform an acceptable Service to thee, throughJefus Chrift. Before the receiving ofthe Bread. Lord, I am not worthy of the Crumbs, which fall from thy Table: After the receiving ofit. Greater Love than thishath no Man, that a Man laydown his life for his Friend. Herein hathGod commended his Love to us, that whilft we were Enemies, he gave his Son to die for us, Before receiving of the Cup. What (hall I render to the Lord for all his benefits? I will take the Cup ofSal- vation, and I will biefs the Name of the Lord. After the receiving of it. Ble(hed be God for his unfpeakable Gift, his dearly beloved Son Jefus Chrift, in in whom we have Redemption through his Blood, even the forgivenefs of fins, After the conclufton ofthe whole Aftion. Biefs the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me blofs his holy Naine 4 S fff Biefs 681