á$2 Prayers ufedby K. William. Vol.II. Biefs the Lord, Omy Soul, and forget not all his benefits; who forgiveth all thine iniquities, and healeth all thy difeafes : Who redeemeth thy life fromdeftruftion; and crowneth thee with loving kindnefs and tender mercies: who fatisfieth thy mouth withgood things. Biefs the Lord, O my Soul. A Prayer to be ufed inprivateafterwards. Ì praire and magnifie thy great and glorious Name OLord my God, for thebiéfféd opportunity afforded to me this day, of Commemorating thy infinite Goodnefs and Mercy to me and all Mankind, in fending thy onlySon into the World to take our Nature upon him, to fubinit to the Infirmities and Miferies of it, to live amongft us, and to dyefor us: And to preferve the Memory of this greatlove and goodnefs ofthine to us for ever in our Hearts, that thou haft been pleafed to appoint the bleffed Sacrament, for a Solemn Remembrance of it. Grant, O Lord, that I may faithfully keep and perform that holy Covenant which I have this day fo folemnly renewed and confirmed in thy Prefence, and at thy Table. Let it be an eternal obligation upon meof perpetual love and obedience to thee. Let nothing feein hard for me to do, or grievous for me to fuffer for thy fake, who whilft I was a firmer, and an enemy to thee, lovedft me at fuch a rate as never any Man did his Friend. Grant that by this Sacrament there may be conveyed to my Soul new fpiritual life and ftrength, and fuch a meafure of thyGrace and Afiiftanceas may enable me to a greater care ofmy Duty for the future : That I may henceforth live as becomes the Redeemed of the Lord even to him whodied for my fins, and rofe again for my juftification, and is now fate down on the right hand of. the Throne ofGod, to make Interceflion for me: In his holy Name and Words, I conclude my impeded Prayers. otiR Father which art in Heaven, hallowedbe thy Name. ThyKingdom come; Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily Bread. Andforgive us our Trefpai es, as weforgive them that have Trefpaffed againff us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil r For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and theGlory, for ever Amen. A TA-