cI-,rt ie rs: tt:00 r ..4 0 r, 1 alp The Preface to the Reader. Ccr. 12,7. g .; He manifefation ofthe Spirit is given to every man I Pet. 4. O. toprofit withal!,faith S,Paul. find, asany man hath received the gift, fo let himminifler the fame to o- jitmodtetam- thers, rauhS.Peter. We therefore learn that we raed Prov.Ra5 wfteatigoh,,Apt may teach, is a Proverb among the Hebrews. tArndI binicum, do therefore layin, and lay up, Pith the Heathen, that Imay drawforth condo :7 cow. Again, (Ind lay outfir thegoodofmany. Synetìus/jreaks of rne,Who ha. por..o qua mox v a trea areofrare abilities in them, would afoon part 'idi their bprorrerepofia f p ed77ov áv e-IAs hearts, as their conceptions : the canker ofWhole great skill 'hall be a -ìv Kagdiax ij fmift witnef e againfl them, Howmuch better Auguf}usandAuguflin! zcì dv 7a Y...4 04 Of thefirmer, Suetonius tels us, that, in reading all flirts ofgood Au- Eariad verbii thaws, heski!fxil/y pick,{ out theprime precepts andpaterns ofvalour and excerpta,aut ad virtue, fending thefame tofilchofhis fervants and tsnder.ofcers fir domejticos ant ad exercituum tokens, as he thought they might do ma1goodunto, Andfir the later, provinciarum4 heaccounted nothing his own, that hedid not communicate : andTime. reítorer mitre- where profeffeth himfelfin the number of Chofe, Qni fcribunt proficien- bat,&c.suat.t.L do,& fcribendo proficiunt, ThatWriteWhat they have learned, and cap 8Ma' learn etmoreb Writing. His la Worksareob ervedtobe his de : Joka.Manllac. y y ß % , som.p,68, And the ream zsgivenby Melandhon, Quia docendo didicit, 6e- Ibid.epift, del, caufe by rauch trading his talent, he hadmuch improved it. Of Me- lan ìhonhimfelf, one ofhis Countrey-mengives thisteflimony: Itap. pears (pith he) that Melannhon was on this Wife buffedabroad the World, thatfeeing and hearing all he could, he made profit of every tAing; and'bredhis heart, as the Bee dothher hive, out of all arts of flowers, fir thecommon benefit. Tifmires labour like Bees, but With this difference, Qllod illæ faciant cibos, hæ condant, That the Bees make their meat, the Pifrxiresgather it: both have theirproper praife andprofit: If tmay be efleemedby thee ( Courteous Reader) either theone or the other, it isenough : And that Imay, Enitar fane (Frith Gerfon de tau. Gerfon andjWithhim) I Will endeavour out ofother mens goodMe- * script. dita ionsand Collenions, toframe to myPelf ( but fir thy are) fume fweet honey-comboftruth, by mine ownart and induflry, inmine own words andmethod : And then envy it felf cannot (lil(ely) fry worfe ofme (itcannot, truly,fy f dad) as one loth of Hugo de Sanno Vinore:.