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86 A Commentaryupon theGo f et Chap.4. Hier in von. , Fle6roicia. ifa. pet: 2Sn11.10.t7. Come over ín. to macedoaia, and helpas. Ad t 6.a. Thou hat, well done that thou art come, .16%ío.33. whereof is Galilee, in the later this Galilee ofthe Gentile,, where lands the Town of Capernaum, and near unto it is a well of the fame name , and of apt fignificatiou. For Capernaum ( faith St Hicrern) is by interpretation , the Town of consolation. It Was ftuate on this fide7ordan, over against Bethfàida (other- wite called ?alias ) not farre from Tiberias, and Taricha.a, f$- mous places, lying likewife upon the lake. Verse i4. That it might be fulfilled, &c. ] The two Tela- ments may be fitly retembled to the double doors of the Temple, one whereof infolded another: The Old is the new enfolded ; the new is the old explicated. For there are above 26o. places of the old Tcftament cited in the new : to that almost in every needful point the harmony is exprefi. By the 'Prophet I f t,u ] That Evangelicall Propher,that Ipeak- eth of Chrifts nativity, preaching pertecuuon, apprehrnfiun,u, ath, refurreftiou, atcenlion and second coming to ja gem._nt fo lively as no Evangelic goes beyond him. Vale 15. The land ofZebuloe, and the lardof Nepthali. &c,] InZebulo were Nat->rcth, Betbfaida, Tib r:ac, Cana (wtteie our Saviour tune i water into wine) and N,tm, where he ranted the widows ton ; fo that fh_ was twice a mother, yet had hut one childe. In Nephthali were the City of flbtl ( where they asked counfell of old, and fo they ended the in tetcr) H:arefheth the City of Sifera , Rtblah , CeJrea , Philippi and Capernaum This burrough was the feat of the Evangelical Ktngdome; and it was fitly chosen for such a purpofe, as that which by reason of the wonderfull wholfomnethe of the air, fertility of the foil, nearnefle to the river ¡ordan, and lake of Genne[reth, neighbour-hoodof many great Towns and famous Cities, promifed a plent,tull en- creafe and income of the Evangelical harveft. Here the corn was white unto the harveft (as at Samaria) and solicited la- bourers. It is a Ministers wifdome to teat himfelf, as near as may be, where molt need is, and greatest likely-hood of doing good, as St Paul did often. No Church was founded at .4tbens, no good to be done there among thole wits of Greece. The Apo- lie tarriedat Eph-fer, whiles a door was opened, and then de- parted co other places. If thouperceive thy Selfunfie todoe more good in anyplace, though it be not any fault of thine (faith a grave Authour) away to another. If the commodity of the place prevail more with thee, there toabide, then the promoting of