Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

196 A Commentary upon the A CT S . Chap.2 CHAP. XXVII. Verfe i. It eras determined] F IrPc by God Chap. '23. and then by the ordinary. Magifiratt guidedby God. Verfe 2. One Arillarchus &T..] Saint Pauls fellow-traveller 1r, and then fellow-prifoner too, yea fellow-worker unto the. Kingdom ofGod, and a great comfort tohim Co/of. 4. io. Atl. 19.29. Sz 20.4. Optimumfolatium,fodalitium.Therefore David fo bewayles the loffeof 7onathan , Saint Paul counts it a fingulan mercy tohim that Epaphroditus recovered, Phil. 2.27. And Saint yehu found himfelf furthered and quickned by the graces ofthe e, WI Lady, óh.2. T2. Verfe 3. Liberty to go to his friend] A great favour : there is no frnall comfort in the communion ofSaints. This HeathenPer-. Cyprian.Epi/t. fecutors knew ; and therefore banished and confined theChrifli, . anstoIlles.andMines , where they could not have acceffe one to another. Verfe 4. Becaufe the Winds &c. ] The Straits of.Magellaak is fuch a place , that which way foever a man bendeth his Heyl.Ge p. courfe (Earth one) he {hall be fore to have the. wind again. Sal; him. Verfe 8. Called thefair havens].Which name it retaines alfa- Calos Limena, at this day : for better caufe I beleive then the fea calledPacifique Gana. E, azc. or calme,, which Sir Francis Drake ever found rough and trou- blousabove meafure. Verfe 9. Now ceben much time wasJ ent ] Not fpilt for that Paulwas not idleall that while, feeTit. I.5 and. thereupon. Nolise tempos in nugis conterere$aith one. Time is aprecious commodity. Of all other poifef ions a man may have two at once : but two moments of time together no . man could ever have. Therefore Cato held that a wife man fhould Cic. a`define. luec. be able tame otii quart negotii rationem reddere, to give an ac- count ofhis leifure as well as ofhis labour. Nullur mihi per o- tiuhm dies exit, faith Seneca, I fpend no day idly. And `Pliny Lìb.3. cap.5 faid to his Nephew when he law himwalk out forehoures with-' nonparum out íludying, `I'oterac has horas non perdere, You might have want b - fed u!tumsir' ter bellowed your time. The common complaint is, mts.tum . P _ Becaufe,, erdamK Sea, store _:.but thetruth is w e donot fomuchwant it as waft'