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Chap. 27 . A, Commentary upon the ACTS. 197 Becaufe the Fafl-rom nowpafl] The Jewes yearly -faff, Levit,3, 2. which felhout in the feventh moneth., that anfwereth to our Oeïober, whenNavigation is dangerous. This yearlyFait (or feaft ofExpiation, asit is called) was inftituted, that they that had com- mitted haynous offences worthy ofdeath, and could not byoffer- ing upparticular fäcrifices for them, and confefling them but ha- zard the lofle of their lives, might have this day ofExpiation for Cameron de all their fins whatfoever ;. God of his goodneffe fo providing for Ecclefr,137i thewort} ofhis people. Verfe fo. But alto ofour lives] Which every creature from the highell Angel to thelowefe.worm., maketh.muchcif. Why is living man forrowfull ? Lam. 3.39. As if the Prophet fhould fay, He hath carafe to rejoyce that he is alive amidit all his for- rowes. A living Dog is better then a deadLion. 7.0 eph isyet a- live : this was more worth to facob, then all 7ofephshonour. It is the Lordsmercy that we are not confiimed. Skin folpslin, &cc It.fhouldnot be grievous to any man to facrifice his eftateto the fervice ofhis life. Verfe i r. Nevertheleffe the Centurion ] Profane perfons aru{ting more to their own carnal! wifdom,, then to Gods word , cafe themfelves wilfully into the greateft dangers. Beleeve the Prophets and ye fhall profper. The wicked paffe on and are punifhed , Prov. 22.3. We cannot get men tobeleeve, till they feel, as Pharaoh,_ Verfe i3. Suppoft'ng that they had &c.] God maketh many times the firongeft fin.ewof thearmeof flefh to crack : Failitur ataguriofloes bonafapefuo. Verfe 14. Called Euroclydon] A ftormy blaft comingfrom the Eaft, quandó Vn a Eurufque Notufgse ruant, creberquepro- Virg. ufjuid.. cellis / fr ctu , & vaflos voluant ad littora flul-lue. The wind is Lib,s.cap,g8 by Pliny calledNavigantiumPeflis, the Marriners mifery. How happy is the Church, towhom what wind fóever.bloweth,blowes good andcomfort, Cant.q.i6 ?- Verfe 15. Could not bear up ] Or direr: the eye againft the wind, couldnot look it in the face. There is an elegancy in the ÿ ÿ.yfrmr y. Original! , becaufe part of the forewardof the Ship, is by Mar- bisnsia: riners called the Ships -eye. 4. Verfe 2o. A11 hopethat.we &c. ] . God' delights tohelp thofe that are forfaken oftheir hopes : he referveth his hand;for a dead lifts Goo4Iherefore, andworthy all acceptatipat is the Prophets Db b b 3, fónnfela