Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

-, 19 g A Commentary upon the ACT's. Cha7.27 . counfell, fay 5e. t o, r r. A Child of light walking in darkne;fe muff do as thefe here , when neither Sunne nor ffar appeared foi many dayes , caff the Anchor of Hope within theveyle of hea- ven, pray and wait till the daydawn , and the dayfiar appearin his heart. Verfi 22. Be ofgoodchear] SoBifhop Ridly beingonce tolled by a fad tempeff , Be ofgood chear, faid he to theBoat-men, and A. & Mon. ply your Oares : for this Boat carrieth a Bifhop that muff beburn- ed, not drowned. Verfe z4. God bath given thee all] It is for the godlies fake that the wicked are fpared and favoured. To the wicked God faith concerning his fuyants, as theProphet once faid to t. King. 3r4. Surely Were it not that Iregard the prefence of Jehofaphat King of Judah, Iwouldnot looktowardthee, norfee thee. Verfe 25. For Ibeleeve God] The beleever walks about the worldas a conquerour. Faith drinks to him in a cúpofNepen- Efay7, thes, and bids him fingaway forrow. But if ye will not beleeve, fiirelyye (hall not be effablithed. Verfe 29. wifhed for the day] With we as much for the day ofRedemption , when after much toiling on this glafsy fea , we (hall fafely land at the haven ofhappineflè , at the keyofCanaan, the Kingdomofheaven. Difcupio folvi , tecumque , ó Chrifle, manere Portia fac regni Jim quotacunque tui. Verfe 3i. Ye cannot befaved] Godmull be milted , but not tempted , bywilfull neglea ofdue meanes. He is not tycd to them, but yet doth ufaally work by them. See my Note on Matt. 4.4. Verfe 33. Having taken nothing] i.e. Having made no fet meal, but by fnatches and catches. When life is in danger, all's laid afide till that be fecured. Oh that we were like wifefor our foules : Surely ifwe knew our danger , we fhould neither Bate nor fleep , till we had made our peace with God. For is fit nothing to lode an immortall foul ? to purchafe an everliving death ? Verfe 35. In pretence of them all] He was not afhamedof Gods fervice, afore thofe Heathens. No more was e4'braham, who built anAltar to his God,wherever he came. That was the firthwork hedid, not fearing the Idolatrous Canaanites. A bold andwife profeflion is requiredofevery Chriftian, It is no gold that glittersnot. Verviefe