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Chap. '28.. Et°Conzmerstanyupon the AcT s. 199. Verte 38. Gaff out the wheat] Fafiidientes divinum verbunm,. damnum & dedècus pati oportet. Behold ! they have re- jelled the word of the Lord , and what wifdome is in them ? yeremiah 6. Verte 39. They difcovereda creek] Thenchiefly are we to look . for tempefts when we draw nighof to the fhore, to the haven.. Our laft encounter at death is liketo bethe tharpeft. The.Ifrae lites never met with fo much oppoltion,. as when they were to take poífeffionof the land. Then all the Kings of Canaan combi- ned againft them. Verfe 4i. where tWo feas met] The men ofMalta thew a certainplace at this day which they call lafcala di San Paulo,Saint Pauls arrival'. Verfe 42. To ll theprifoners] An ill requitall of`Pawls kind- neffe.. But Souldiers make but a fport.of killingmen._ Let the young menarife and play before tu., faidAbner.. Verfe 44. Hominemmalitiam vincit `Dei bonitas , . faithBe.z.a here. Gods goodneffeovercomethmans badneffe. CHAP. XXVI I I.. Verfe 1. e%l'nd when they wereefcaped ] SOme of them efcaped perhaps as narrowly as did Sir Thomas Challoner , who whenhe was young ferved under Charles the Fift in theExpeditionof.Algeir :- wherebeing fhipwrackt ,. after hehad fwum till his ftrength and his arms failed him,at the length catching holdof a Cable with his teeth, he efcaped , not without Ca,nd, vritan. the lone of fome of his teeth.. He was afterwards knight (01.66, ed for his valour. at. Mufelborough. field and dyed eflnna 1566._ Verfe 2. Andthe barbarous people-] So the.Grecians, (and af terwards theRomanes) . called all other nations betides them (elves. But now the Grecians having loft their ancient liberty and glory, by meanes of the Turkith oppreflion, are become no leflè Turk. Hilt: barbarous, then thofe rude nations, whom they before fcorned..26o. Whichmifery with a thoufand more,.. they may juitly impute to their own ambition and.difcord. Verfe 3: Andfaftenedon his hand] Thus,many are the troubles of the righteous :. but out of them all the Lord delivereth theme.