200 A Cornwertary upon the ACTS. Chap./ a. 'NQ Country bath more venemous creatures then Egypt, none -moreAntidotdsi So godlinefle hath many troubles , and as many, ;helpsagainfttrouble. The devils deGgne-here was to have de.. frroyed Pan!, but he was deceived. ..Verfe S. Yet vengeancefiiffereth not &c.] Nemofcelurgeritin po làre,yuisoonidena 'habetNemefin.intergo. The fall of Black-friers -flewwell nigh an hundred,whereof twowere Preifts : and a third = having taken water, togetherwithmany others that had efcaped, . -purpoliing to gointo Flanders , were drowned at London-bridge íhortly after, the boatbeing over- turned. Verfe 5. eAnd he fhoo off the beat] So fhouid we do falle and Ilanderous reports : or rathermake a. good ufe ofthem: as the ZnictvS. skilful' Apothecary, of the flefhofhis poyfonfull beaft , makes an - .vholfomThei-iacle, or Treacle, as we call it. Verfe 6. .That he fbauldhavefwollen] Or, have been inflamed', viz. with the Vipers '.venome. TheDevils darts are called fiery Eph:6. for the dolour. and diftemper they work in allufion likely to the poyfoned da is that the Scythians of old and other nations now ufe inWar, dipped in the blond and gall of Vipers : the ve- riemous heat of which like a fire in theirflefh killed the wounded with torments , the likeft hell ofany other, faithone. Verfe 8. sick, of a fever ] Which bath its name both in ?rugs-J-4. Greek and Latine from the fire that is in it. The difference is not y' fey- yore. fo great whether a man broyle in the bed, orat a (takeby frying a faggot : fear it not. Cicero. Verfe O. Who aCo honoured to ] Perrarógrati reperiuntur . Wald. faith one. A thanRfiill man is worth his weight in gold , faith another. The Italianhath a proverb, Sciapato it morbo, fi-andato it Santo : When thedifeafe is departed, the Saint is defrauded, wiz. of -the honour that was vowed to be done tohim. Not fo here. Verfe z o. whofe fign irae Caftor and Pollux ] Sea-men fay that if thefe two fiats arife not together , its a fign of an enluing tempeft. Diffen'ion is 'a forerunner ofdeftruc`ìion. Verfe 13, came toRhegium ] Which bath its name of break- Ayiíyvu;cs,: ing;, becaufe, fay force, there the Sea broke off Sicily from Italy, rwnpa whichwas before but bne continent. The like, they, report concer- ning 'France and England. Verfe ,1 5. They came tomeet .ttis- ] So Paul entered Rome as a long looked forTriumpher. Verfe z6..