Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

tbap. s8. Verte zf.. Paul Was fuffered to dwell]. So Bradford prdosrër in ,the Kings-bench , was ,sn fo good credit with his Keeper., ,that he had licenfe to go all about the City without a keep- Act. & Mcn er &c. Yea to ride into Oxford-fhire to a Merchants houfefol.r4f,. of his accquaintance &c. Verte 17. After three Bayes] Minifl;ers fhould free them_ felves as much and as loon, as may be from finifter fufpitions. For theymuit never think to good on thofe that have conceived an incurable prejudice againft them. Verfe; i9. To accufe"mye- nation of] But to defend 'Chriffs caufeand mine owninnocency, with as little reflex on the Jewes as may be. It isan ill bu(neffe todefame awhole Nation ( ones ovine eÇpeeially) asScaliger that proud Hypercritick, who gave thisbafe and unmannerly charater:: Gothi belluæ, Scoti nonminus. Scalde r¢peer, Ingliperfidi infati,feri, contemtores,folidi,amentes, inertes, inho- cap. r6. 1Pitakc,immanes. TheGoths are bealts,fo are the Scots. As for the Engli[h they an .pcf,eire, fcornfull, fgoles , mad-men , fluggards , inhofpitable Verfe zo. For the hope ofIfrael ] That is, for thexefurrection ofthe dead and that eternall life that Ifrael hopes and lookes for. Halucinantur Philofophi , qui fapientem non meta folumfed& _Me vatytre vellent. Spes in terrerais incerti nomen boni f jies in divinis womeneft certiffimi. Heb.ii.a. Hope inGod, faith everyDavid to himfelf, Pfal.43.uh. I am bound with this chain ] At Rome, filch prifoners as had liberty to go abroad, had a long chaîne ; the one end `vvherof was failened to their right hand , and the.otherend wástyed to a fouldiers left hand, who was to be his keeper. Thus was Saint Paulbound, likely. Verfe 22. Everywhere it is fjiolen againft ] Nomen in Chriftianis damnabatur, non crimen, faith Tertullian. When eXttnlsts the Martyr was put to death at Leoni, a table was let up over his head with this infcription Hic ; eft ttálust Chriflianm This is eflrtaltu the Chriftian : that was alit had to charge him with. So when Polycarp was Marryed all the crime objected againft him, was , that heconfeífed him= felfto be a Chrif}ian. Nero made .this .Quell Edid, Whofoever confeffed himfelftobe.a Chriitian let him be prefently put to Sinèälter deathwithout anymore edoe, asaconvicted enemyof mankind. At defe Verfe 23, There came into his lodging] Tertullian telleth us capite c that