Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

202 . A Commentary upon the A'c's. Chap.28: ithatiitwas forbidden the Primitive Chrioians by a- publike Sta- tute; to have temples, or places of publick meetings. It is yet; ble(fed be God. We have, as7ofeph provided them in eyFmr,,agranary or flore-houfe in everyCity, and Village;for rnoft part. Verfe 24._ Andfome beléevednot] The word). as Mofes, (tales the /Egyptian,Eaves the Ifraelite. It is to forne the favour oflife, to others, ofdeath ; as obcd-Edom was blefed for theArke the Philiftims turfed..` ARí40rot. Verfe 25. AndVehen theyagreednot]' They jarred. Its'a Me taphor.from mulcall inoruments that make noharmony. HadIfooken oneword] A. terrible flinging' word, that would flick in their foules andflehh, as-the invenomed arrowes of theAl- mighty, throughout all eternity. Verfe z6.. Hearingyefhall hear &c.], A heavy care .is a (iìrgtî. far judgement.. 44ntagor u , cum Thebaidos librun ApedBæota.0 recitaret.ner fyuam recitant; apptauderet, complicato volu3;ino, Eraf .:hítiatt..31, it , inquit., Bdoti vocamini , quia boum habetis cures. true Greekshave :a proverb,:erflino quifpiamnarrabatfabulanr, ac` lido movebat,aures.. Seeingye(hallfee] Speculatively. Andnot.perceive] i, e. Pracii. cally,as given over for their wilfulnefie to fpirituall blindnefT'e. Verfe 27. IsWaxedgrofe] Their heart is fat as greafe, but' PTd rr9.7o. delight in thy law, faith David. Naturalios tell us thatfatheart- edmen are dull-witted." rns4p yi-7 a fx7t vóon. It' is a heavy cafe when menhave gota kind of hoofe over' their hearts, callumobduilum, corneasil'ras,brawn brefls,hornyheart- firings. , µvac Y. Their eyeshavethey;cloféd] 9".. They havewinked'; they flint ern, the windowes,left the light fhould come in. Vt liberiúspeccent ll.. uot,in lac. (renter ignorant, faithBernard. Spente quidem.reltiaantirveritatia non tachenfortuito, faiithBeza. Verfe. 29 Hadgreat reafoningt c.]It isnot theGof el,but the contempof the Gofpel thatbreedethqueftionsand quarrellings. Verfe 3r. Preaching thekingdom i -c.] MM.Bradford,during the timeofhis imprifonment, preached twice a day continuallyunles ficknes hinderedhim; where alto the Sacramentwasoftenmini- ¿h & Mon. fired. And thoroughhis meanes ( the keeperfowell did bear with 1497. him)fuchrefort ofgood people was daily at his levure, andmini, f}rationofthe.Sacrament,that cömonly his chamber waswel -nigh. filled. Dëdit Deus bis gf aft,nem,,