Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

I every corner of the Land have feen, I by moll Learnedhands turn'dere havebeen : Ofmy Alonenef fe allmen notice tooke, Andasked, whexe are Ivl'atthew, Mark, andLuke ? Of me they weremoftglad ; yetgri+ev'd tofee The Eagle thsas without all company. You have example too. The Reverend Head Mr,Arthrs' of Sion-Colledge, lately publifhed, Jackfon. To his great praife, and others good content, His Lucubrationon th'Old Teflament. He doubtednot, (and You as little may) But that aTenth would be receiv'd with joy. The Ninedivide the Sacred Test; each Man Is like a Tribe i'th' Land ofCanaan : But were they all conjoyn'd in every Line, Orwere there nine great Volumes for the Nine, Each having done the Whole, and done it fo, That each did feemhis Fellowes to out-do : Yet Tou, and:Twenty more wouldwelcome be,. Bringing fuch Gifts into theTreafurie. Such Ships as fraught withprecious Wares, do come After the reft, are no lefl'e welcome home : Nor are thofe Stars, which donot firft appeare, Lelfe lookt upon ; They make the Night more cIearc. s._.. a TheChurch thé richer, and f hé nterner is ; And can no more of them fpare any One, Then he that batha fcore, can fpare a Sonne. Hark, nowme thinks a thoufand Tongues Ihear, Saying, TikA' r a. ThePrice ? It u adear, But goldenBin& O that this Authhorwou dOld What he hath 'done to th' New, do Things new, and old, out of hisoTreafurie wll Ike. A good Scribe brings ; Andfo hope may hê live ! andpart of s Time beBent In jitding aver the OldTeftament. TxoNAS :IN