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94 A Commentary upon the Gogiel Chi p,4 be your paftime, p-c. So (hall we meet in joy at the lift day : or elfe I bid you farewell for evermore. So Nicolas of 9envile ( a young man newly come from Geneva) was condemned to die, and fet in the Cart. His father comming with 3 ftaff, would have beaten him. But the officers, not fuffering it, would have (truck the oldman. The fonne, crying to the officers, defired them to let his father alone, laying, he had power over him, to do in that /bid 8;7. kinde what he would : but Chrift was dearer to him then the dear- eft friend onearth, c c, That of St Hierom is well "known to moft, and often alledged ; If my father ftood weeping on his knees before me, my motherhanging onMy neck behindeme,and all my brethren, lifters, children, kinsfolk, howling onevery-fide, to retain me in finfull life with them , I wouldfling my mother to the ground, defpife all my kinred, run over my father, and tread himunder my feet, thereby to mane to Chrift when hecal- leth me. Reberies and Danvile, two French Martyrs, having been forely racked, at night rejoyced together. After that, Re- beries cried twiceor thrice, Away from me, Satan. His fellow being in bed with him, asked, why he cried, and whether Satan Ibid.84n. would [top himofhis courle ? Reberies faid, that Satan fet before him his parents, but by the graceof God, faidhe, he (hall do no- thing againft me. Verle 23. And yefus Went about all Galilee] Not (as the Cireumcelliones of old) to make Phew of their holineffe; nor as the Jefuites ( into whom the Pharifees have fled and hid them- felves) to gain profelytes and paffengers, That goe right on their a&, ao. &, uses, Prov,9. i 5. but he went about doing good, faith S. Peter. 3 The chiefeft goods aremolt aetive : the belt good a meer act. And themore good we doe, the moreGod-like webe, and the more wedrawnigh, to the heavenly patern. Religion is not a name, goodneffe a word : but as the life of things itands in goodneffes So thelifeof goodneffe, in action. So much we live, as we doe. Ili 3 8, ¡6, O Lord,by theft thingsmen live, faithH o eleiah, and in all theft things is the life ofmyffiirit. Andhe that keepethmy Command- mentsfbaN live in them, as the lamp lives in the oil, the flower in theearth, the creature by food. NOS non elequimur magna, fed vivimr2s, faid the ancient Chriftians. And holy Bradford account- ed that hour loft, wherein he had not done fòme good, with tongue, pen or hand. Godhath fet us our time, andour task, fob 14.546. Davidis faid toferve out his time; and 7obn Baptift, to fin