The Preface. Vidtore: Ivonis deflorator eft ( fith he) quem per omnia feré patric.Junil ¿tiTO? H fequitur, He bath pickt the bell out of Ivo, and tranfcribed Nola in prim, himWordfir Word almofl, I never envied Zabarel, that arrogant C'eraentu ad bragofhis, Hocego primus vidi, IW a thefirfi that ever found out eotint&epifl. this; andyet Ihate extreamly to be held a plagiary. Remigius and Haymo feem to be but too Friers under one hood. Cedrenushú Impe- Gefter. ridHi,}1ory isread (a great part ofit) under the name of Joannes cafaubon. Cttropalates : That' s afoul blur to oneof them, but to Which, I know Eratm to L. not. And that'sno praife to Laaantius inErafmus his judgement, that de °pifcio Vet. having read Ariftotle andPliny writing ofthefime f bjeÉl that hedid, andborrowing much out ofthem, henever Ì° much as once mentioneth them ; as he doth Tully; Whom he nameth indeed, but diffarageth. Atqui candidius erat nominare eos per quos profecit, quam eum Erafm, i&id. quernnotat,/âithErafmus;1 havg notfjsaredtoprofile by whom Ihave profited,to tell outofWhom I have taken-ought : and that I hope 'hall ex- cufemefor that matter, With the moreingenuous; What fault elf fiever they mayfinde with me. Faults will efcapea man betwixt his fingers, let him look to it never fo narrowly, faithB.Jewel. Some plain(le- Iesz.'g. Hard., cifines,and barfhexprefons havebeenfoundeven inTullies own Works, as Auguftin noteth. AndErafmus addeth, ualia nonnunquam ex- cidunr, & horum temporum fcriptoribus, & in his mihi quoque.' Our times are (as one Well obferveth) partly accurately judicious, partly uncharitably cen .Carious. The one likes nothing not exquifte,not fublimated; the other, nothingat all. Let them pleafe themfelues for me: Iam ofHieroms minde, Si cui legere non placet, nemo corn- Erafm.ihid. pellit invitum. Ifany thinkgood to readWhat I have Written, let him: In ep. ad Aug. ifotherwfe, let him do as he Will ; but let him know, That every o ävd`P7,0,0&7- ei 9 mancannot be excellent, thatyet may 6e ufefull, Honeftum eft ei, qui pb inprimis non poteft, in fecundis tertiifve conhftere, Pith the Ora- Cicero. tour, An iron keymay unlockthe door ofagolden treafare: yea, fer- rumpoteft, quod aurum non poteft. Iron can do pine things that goldcannot. A little boat may landa man into a large continent, and a little hand threed a needle, as Well eua bigger. Philadelphiahad but a little ftrength, yet a great door opened, Revel. 3.8. Quinti- vna e(i de Grá. l iánfaith, it is a vertue in a Grammarian, ahquid ignorare, to be ig_ matici virtuti- norant of föme things : but fay a manknew never r much , yet, in Pli- bal. ocz2jiiiil. nies judgement, it no leffe becomes an Dratour fometimes to hold his Non m101Ì0 in tongue, then to ffeakhte mincie. Apelles Was Wont to f y, That thole terdumell Ora, ' tori'tacere qud `Painters Were in fault qui non fentirent quid effet fatis, that un- dicere, plein. derfoodnot When they had doneenough. Andhe's a good hontfman, Cic. de orar. faith