.i zb R Commentary upan the C.hap.5, cannot be hid, but is apparently difcerned and difcried tobe that Rcv,tßrs. great CityBabylon : So efuguftine and other writers call it; fo Belllarminc andRi6er4 theJefuitesyeeldit. Panne, de C'olum- na in his Mare hifloriarum telleth us, that Otho the Emperour was once in a. tninde, tomakeRome the feat ofhis Empire, as of old it had beets. And having built aftately Palace there, where formerly had ftood the Palace offulian the Apoftate, ( the Re- manes being muchagainft it) he gave over the worke. Theopha- In Annal b. net, Zonaras and Cedrenus report the likeof Contiens, nephew. to Heracline, 34© years before Otho. Now that there and the like attempts took not etfeet,' Genebrard faith it was a tpeciall pro. vidence ofGod, to the end that the kingdom of the Church fore- told by Daniel, might have Rome for its feat. If he had faid, the kingdom of Antichrift foretold by St Paul, and likewife by 7obn the Divine, he had divined' aright. ( But to return from whence we are digrefled,) A Minder, whiles he li- ved a private perfon, ftood. in the croui, as it were but no fooner entred into his office, then he is to t upon theRage ; all eyes are upon him, as they were uponSaul, who was higher by. head and thuulders then the reft of the people. Now therefore as the tree oflite was tweet to the tafte,and fair to the eye ; and as in Abpom there was noblemifh,from head to foot : to fhenld it be with Gods Minifters. Singular holineffe is required of fuch ; as thole that quarter armes with the Lord Chrift,whom theyferve in the Gofj,el. The Priefts of the Law were tobe neither deformed nor deteftive. And the Minifters of the Gófpel ( for the word, Prieft,is never tiled for fuch, by the Apoftles, no nor by the molt Bell. de cuüu ancient Fathers, as Be/larmine himtclf confeff th) mutt be 7Z4Dij la at lib: cif+.'ttamps and paterns to the beleevers in word and converlation; 4 feet. Ad te- every thing in them is eminent andexemplary. The world(though ßiuott. parrum tin uftl looks for Anglican erfeion in them s and as the kaft de. ) Y), g P deviation in a ltarre is foon noced,fo is it in inch. Thrice happy he, that,(withSamuel,Daniel, Pauland others) canbeacquitted and approved by.himfelf, in private; in publike,by others ; inboth, by God: That can by his fpotltle convertation_{laughter envy,ftop an open mouth, and draw teftimony if not from the mouches, yet from the confciencesof the adversaries, of his 'integrity and up- rightnefle. Mr Bradford theMartyr was had in to great reverence .9a, andmen. and admiration with all goodmen, thata multitude, which never 8. knew him but. by fame, greatly lamented his deaths yea and& number