Chap.g according to St M A T T H H VV. I27 numberalfo ofPapif1s themfelves wifhed heartilyhis life: And of Mr Bucer it is reported, that he brought all men into fuch admi- rationofhim,that neither his friends could fufficiently praife him, nor his enemies in any point finde fault with his fingular life, and ibid. fincere doarine. Bithop Hooper:life was to good, that no kinde of flander ( although divers went about to reprove it) could fallen tbid. r; 66. any fault upon him. And the mans life (faith Erafmua,concerning Tantam rre Luther,whom he greatly lovednot ) is approved of all men ; nei- "2">n tn, gri. ,, e ther is thisany fmall prejudice to his enemies,that they can tax him braof e ur ce rcfernei. for nothing. ant podcaum. erfe iç. Neither -do men light a candle, to put it undera ntentur.Eraf. bufliel, &c.] Nor doth God let up a Minifler, and fo light a lynk Of > stir or. torch (as the word here fignifieth ) amongli a people, but for r&r; Ly k' h. thediffu(ing of the light of the knowledge oftheglory ofGod,in the ford). face of 7ef;e_ Chrifl. The heavenly bodies illighten not their own 2 Cor.4 6. orbes only, but fend forth their beams far and near. The grace of-i ZJvn ?i- God ( that is,the doétrine ofgrace ) that bringethovarian, loath cunrur n;xi. appeared (or (hone-forth,as a candle on a candleffick, or as a bea- `' °° ° 1;e!, re- penteco o ton on a hill) Teaching us to deny ungodlinefe,&c. The Prie('S o u! r o rraiu q lips muff not onlypreserve knowledge, but alto prefent it to the in /e conger. people,who (hall leek it athis mouth, And John Baptift (that burn- surer. U,ryfofl. ing and fbining light) was togive the knowledgeoffalvation, not Tic z, by way of infufion ( for foGod only) but by way of inifrudion. r uk r.yy, The fame word (in the holy tongue) that fignifieth to underhand, t>., j fignifieth alto to inftrutl, and topro.ffier. They that teach others what they know themfelves (as Abraham did chofe of his fami- Gen. r 8,19.. liarity and family) [hall knowmore ofGods minde,yea they shall Pfal.a5 r z . be (as Abraham was)both of his Court and Council. But the Lord likes notfuch emptyvines, as (withEphraim) bearfruit to them- Hof,to,r. felves : fuch idle fervants, as thruft their hands into their bofoms, dig their talents into the earth, hide their candles under a bed or bufhel : living and lording it as iftheir lips were their own : bar- refling and hoarding up their gifts, as richcormorants do their corn : refuting to givedown their milk, as cur([ kine : or refolving to fpeak no more,then what me-y breed applaufe and admiration of their worth and wifedom, asproud felf-feekers. The manif .floe- r Cor. t z.,. Lion ofthe.Çbirit waogiven toprofitvoithall. And the Philippians 'Thyxoívu or were all partakers (or compartners) ofSt Pauls grace ; which k n L1.7. he elfewhere calleth the gift bellowed on u,, fir many, that we xCcr,r. . y Gal.ç.r ;. may ferve one another in love; yea make our felvesfervants toall, r IQ ir.p.i g; Ono