Chap.I. I COMMENTARY OR EXPOSITION upon the Gos P EL according to St MATTHEW: WHEREIN TheText is explained, forne Contro. verfiies are briefly difcu(fed, divers Common- places handled, and many remarkable mat- ters hinted, that had beenby former Interpreters pretermitted. CHAPTER I. VERS E I. The Book3 Hat is, a roll or regifter, a catalogue or calendar (Heb. ) a cyphering and fummingup. Ofthegenerations] That is, ofthe Genealogies, as touching his Humanity (St Matthews main drift :) for as touching' his Divinity (St johns chief fcope and fubjeft,) Who can declare his genera- thn ? Ifa.s3.8. What is his name ? and What is his (3nnes name, if thon cant{ tell? Prov.3 ó,4. He is without defcent or pedegree, as Melchifedech, Heb.7. z. B of Gen.q. s. This is Se. pher toledoth, ßtß?ws y47,- a'sws, fay the Scptuabtat.