Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

160 A Commentary aponthe sopl C4iap.5, quired fo oft in Scripture under the rearm of magnifying God when we get him into our hearts in his own likenefle, and enlarge his room there; when we takehim intoour thoughts under the no- tion of a great King, when we get fo far, as to conceive ofhim above all creatures, far above all the glory that can be found in earthly Princes and Potentates. Thinkeof God, as one not tobe thought of, and when you have thought your turnoff, as Tully af- firmeth concerning Socrates defcribed by Plato, and defireth of Vn major quid. his Readers concerning Lucius Craffus, that they would imagin d,rn ae ids, far greater things of them, then they finde written : foafire your q,a,n ,u.o /cri- felves, your higbe apprehenfionsofGod fall infinitely flìort ofhis pta(.inr PP' incomparable and incomprehenfible.greatneffe. And if he could carr;;rur. ve adde, If any thinkme overlavifh in their commendation, it is be- ,arore. caule henever heard them, or cannot judge of them : Howmuch traetligar le EX 1 g i» ePz; quiota more may we lay the fame of this bleffed and only `Potentate, the ito; non awn- King of Kings, andLordofLords ; Who only hath immortality, era,aur ju:lica- dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, Whom no ,e r. ° pr¡, lb, man bathPeen, nor can fee; to Whom be honour andpower ever- , Ti",.e 4G: /aging. Amel. rita non eft vi. Verfe 36. Neither fhalt thoufwear by thy head] That is, by Vere,f d oale,e thy health, ( which is the life of Gill lives ) fay fome : by thy life, fay others,which is a tweet bleffing ; fcr a living dogge ù better Faux cbeirur then a d°ad Lyon : yea though full of croffes, yet why is living ad r`iuÿ r`nrrix. man forrowfull ? d. it is a mercy, that atnidil all his croffes he is Le ae 9 Yr , prib yet alive. Iofefh is yet alive, I have enough,faich Jacob. They told him of his honour,he (peaks of his life. Life is better thenhonour, and is not therefore to be laid to pawnupon every light occafion, as they that tooften ufe, As I live, and i s true as Ilive :whereof something before. .:.iagrus ir, Becaufe thou cant; not make one bair, &c.] God is great in ry:agnu,nec jar- great things, faith Sc Auguffine, and riot little in the twallell. V"S i"1234""" What lelfe then an hair, yet in making a hair white or black Gods power appeareth. The devil can as little createa hair of the head, k" .1. s., 8. as hecould of old a loufe inthe land of Egypt. There are miracles enow in nia sbody to fill a volume. It is the Imageof God, and a 1.urw,;cccjce -; little toorld, an epitome of the vifrble world, as his foul is of the inv,fible. The Idea or exampleof the great world, which was in God from all eternity, is as is were briefly and fummarily exprelt by God in man. Hence Man is called every creature,Gopreach the Goifrel to every creature, Mark.' 6. t5. as if there were none to. hitñ,