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Chap.g. and the publike good. 3. Ufe the benefit of the law with charity and mercy,without cruelty and extremity. 4. Ufe it as anutmott ser,i<da cot i- nemmia quidam temedy,when it cannot otherwife be ; left f rangers befilled with baud tn,pte thywealth, andthy labours be in the houfe ofa Lawyer, and thou quo(dam ill mourn at lait ( withSotomons fool ) when thine eitate is confu- rifron(ietoc med upon him : there being but few fuch as Servius Sulpititu, ."Ináticrrat R. ofwhom Thy reports, that he was not more a Lawyer then a o°nexerzrnt. Juiticer, referring all things to moderation andequity, andnot ¡tit- Coto. e, te. ring up {uits,but computing them. Verle 41. AndWhateverfhaíl compell thee togoea mile,] Un- der colour of theMagitiraces authority, which heabuteth ; rather then by refitting thou íhouldeft revenge thy (elf, goe with him twomiles, yea as farre as the (hoes ofthe preparation of the go- Ijelofpeace can carry thee. In the courte of a mans life many wrongs are to be put up, which who(ò cannot frame to, let him, makeup his pack, andbe gone out of the world : for here's no being ter him. Many pills are to be (wallowed down whole, which, if we {hould chew them, would (tick in our teeth, and provevery bitter. Patience is of cont nualt ufv" to us at every turn : its asbread or talc, which we cannot make one good meal without. Its a cloak," tokeep oft' all itorms ; a helmet, to bear cffall blows ; a. paring-knife,that cuts the crofleleife and lefre, till it comes to nothing. As there be two kindes of Antidotes a- gain(t poi(on,viz. hot and cold : fo again{t tribulation and tem- ptation, praier and patience; the one, hot'; theother, cold ; the one, quenching ; the other, quickning, Dan, 6.20. The King cried untoDaniel Witha lamentable voice, vert. 21, Then Da- niel tilkedWith the King, &c. with a voice not dittre{fed, as that of the King was ; for as by faith he (toppedthe mouths ofthe ¡joist: tobygtatience he pore(f'ed his own (iat1, Luk, 2 I. 19-. he became matterofhimfelf ; which is theonly true man-hood. Sopatience Jam, i.4. had her perfE5 Workin 7ofeph : thereforehe became, as S' ?Ames bath it,per#tt and entire, Wanting nothing. 3ulitu Cajr-be- holding the pittureof Alexander in Hercules Temple at Galles, lamented that he had done no worthy exploit at thofe years, wherein Alexander had conquered the whole world. ofeplr at thirty {hewedmore true verrue, valour, piety, patience, purity, pollicy, knowledgeof tecrets, skill in government, 6-c. then ei- ther of them. G s: of Brußels, a Dutch-Martyr,. when the Ail 4Nd,Mes. Piersat any tirsedid inifcall him,, beevct held his peace at fuch s, private according to T H H VV. 169 ti.letira,, /æcea pr,eiertirr de. con dracbma- ri5. t hilip. "q. A°y aut,Pergs dicebantur quos bodie Poilas voi :rinee, Ephef 6. Quiñefsit diit- mulare feat vivzre ; ut Saut a Sam.xu 27. Levas fit pati- entiâ Q_icquid corrrgereeft xefat. eedamus,leve fit quod bexi ferine onor. Pandas ipfaja- lattonenOcoso modius fit. Sen. Hef.I t.