Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

a c./l Commentary upon the Gofbed Chap.x. fo::ninine termination, and by Tome rendered Aggregate, where underffanding the fubf}antive Anima, they conclude here-hence, that hewas renewed by repentance,and reunited to the Church. Of her that had been the tbife of Vriah.] His bell` children he had by this wife : the fruit of his humiliation doubtlefle. Thebar- ren womens children are obferved tohave been the befh, as Ifaac,. Samteel,Iohn L'aptit,&c. for like reafon. Verfe î. AndSolomon begat Roboam.] A childe of fourtyyears old, a loft-fpirited man, the Scripture notes him, a 'flE, eafily drawn away by evil counfell. Green wood will be warping. Of him it might be taid,as once it was ofa certain Prince in. Germany,, Effetalisu, fi effet aped alios. But a man would wonder, that by fo many wives Solomon fhould have but one tonne, and him none of the wifeff neither. Hcreumfslj noxa. Hemight (like- ly) bewail his ownunhappines in Rehoboam, Ecclef..2.. r 8, r9. as hen. thought todo in jeroboam, Pro.2o. a r. His mother was an Ammonitef e : the birth followes the belly : the conclulon fol.- lowes the weaker propofition. AndRoboam begat Abiab] Aman not right, yet better then his father : and for this tobe commended, that he held and plead- ed the true worfhip and fervice of God as the beauty and bul- warkofhis Kingdom : relying allo upon God,he dilcomtited 7e roboam ; i) ea cosf, fi, nnnguam confuti. And Abiabegat Afa.]. A better fon, fprung ofthe feed ofbad 4bia, of thefoil ofworte Maachah, whom St]ert/me makes to be a worfhipper of that abominable idol Priaptu otherwife called Raalpear. For thus he tranflates that, i King. is. beta er Maachanmatremfuam amovit, ne effet princeps in facri Prs. api, c9' in loco `je s. Nos, pudore p.nlfo, (áamtie fubLove, coleis apert is, Paid the worfliippers.ofPriapus. The people that came thereto (the facrifice being ended) all flepped into a thieket,which. was alwaies planted neer the altar of this God; and there, like brute beafts, they promilcuoufly fatisfied their luifs : thereby, as they canceived,beff pleating their God. This villany /Alaachah may teem to have been guilty of; and was therefore worthily re- moved by her fon A,à, from being Queen. Sedesprima, & vita ima, fuit not well. together. Dignitaa. in indigno ef¢ ornamen. tam in Into, faith Salvian. Honour in a difhoneft man,is as,a jew- el' of Gold in twines fnout. Verte 8. And ilia begat, 7ofapbat.] A. godly King, but late Witted, Peccattcrn ta tne,fi xon bo-, taraan in bonr,rri. Aug. F ucholcsx. Nuimb. i { f. In g HofeR. D.Nacl,ere/!s Apolog. ç4ieoeS.. Eittmctb:t:s.