Chap .S. accordixg to SC M A TT x r: v v. 187 wages he looks for inanother world, verf.4. He was content his treyfares of wifdomeAmidbe hid, Colol.2.3. And (hall we free our felves,when our pittancesof piety and charity are not admired? Is it not enough for us that we fhall appear withhim in glory, and Color.?(, then be rewarded openly ? Sh,i 1 reward thee openly.] I, but when 2 at the refurrec4ion of No fgitur eft. the jult, Luk 14.14 at that great aihzeand general' Atfembly, he di Pen' r 7b "v Will snake honourable mention, in the hearingof Angels and men, menthe Lei of all the good deeds of his children : How they have fed the hun- Jzta /red m xi. gry, clothed the naked, &F. that which they had utterly forgot- mull cornpendt- ten : not fomuch as once mentioning their mildoings, 1Nlatth.25. pr.ecia Yea he ihall take thein co heaven with him, where the poor imps r` J'' a;za. ' =ulcui. hands have built him a houle afore rho, - hand, and they (hall receive 110, Voown in cæls him into everlalling habitations. But what !hall hedo in theme. an r,a,,ns pauprrü while? Feed onfaith (as tome read that text, P fal. 37. 3. ) I've æJific. ci.ryi; upon reverCions. Yel,.but while the graffe grows, the Steed Paierue le. flarves. But io cannot a mercifullman, i r he shall have mercy, Jun. Matth.5.7.Such a mercy as re joyceth againíl judgement. Yea 3 he that can tender mercy toGod, maychallenge it fromGod by vex- me of his promiie, as David duth, Preferve sto d God, fir 1 a7n mercifu!t, Plat. 8á.z. M_rcy he [hail obtain, I. ; n his foul, wh;ch (hall be like a watered garden, fre() and flouri[hing. For the liberali foul [13: Jibe made fat ( Prev.1 t, 25.) and he that wa- tereth ihall be watered himnfeif. The fpirics of wealth ditffilled ingood works comfort the confcience. z. So they do the body too, when Fick and languifhin, 41. 2,3. Mercy is the bet cotdiall, a pillowof repofe, a pre(èut remedy. For if thou draw ICI. ; s,s,n,t,. out thy fôu1 to the hungry, thy health (hall fpring forth fpeedily, 1fii,5 8. 3. For his name, the liberali are renowned in the earth, as eA'brabatn that free-hearted houle-keeper, or penyfather;and Obadiah that hid and fed the Prophetsby fifty in a cave. Zacheus A &9, and Cornelit2c , gaiats and Onefipborru, how precious are their If, sß.;. names ! How Tweet their remembrance ! Who honours not the E'ee nofyna err memorial! of Mary for her Spikenard, and of Dorcas for her coats ontrrumqur/tu and garments ? Whereas thevileper (n/hall no more be called li'. Manus paupér_ berall (in Chriffs Kingdom) nor Nabal, Nadib , the churl, um gatophyta bountiful!. 4. For his etate : The moll gainful! art is alms-gi- cium chrfi. ving, faithChrylffome. Thepoor mans bofom, and the Orphans 2a squidpou. mouth are the furet theft, faith another. Whatfocver we fcacter PeribusJiiargi- to the poor, we gather for our felves faith a third, What we give r"ur'nobl, coüi.. p g a g gs'rnut. t0