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188 A Commentary apontbc GoOcl Chap.6. to the poor, we lend to the Lord, whoaccounts him{elt both gra- tified and ingaged thereby, Prov.19.17. Neither will he fail to ble{le the liberall mans ftock and fooe,-Deut.15. io. fo that his righteoulnefle, and his riches together, (hall endure for ever, Pfàle 1: Z . 3. 5 Laftly, His feed thail bemighty upon earth, verfr1. The ton of (uch a'tenant , that paid his rent duly, than not be put -out ofhis farm, P1 .37.26. And that Proverb is proved falfe by t.ernaegazf+ commonexperience, Happy is that (ònneWhofefathergoethto the ü, vixaw tct dwil: for il- gotten goods utuall come tonothing the third heir ter teas b.tres. y Bor. feldome enjoyeth them : unlefle it be here and there one, that by i:psi,,,A -re; repentance bfeaketh off, and healethhis fathers finne by merciful- $ ì i u.ß t8,tg. nelle to the poor, that the property may be altered, and has 1)od.Sic 1 I. stftaxerxer' tranquiatty lengthned. Oh therefore that rich men would be rich L?ni,asus, in good Werks, ready to difir:bate, Willing to communicate. /?uainlamen', ha (which was a peece of praife ufed to be afcribed to the ancient ben:: alteran: Kings of -,.gypt.) This, this were tiewq, To layup fir them- t,,,,g crem,a.l- felves a Are lu+,d.aton ; yea, to lay fag. hold on eternal' life; ,;ere d ttaabst. when thole that with-hold their verycrums,(hall not obtaina drop eft_ Ines?ts re;t, . ,;:,;Am : n, atria with D ives,whom ro vex and upbraid, Lazarus was laid in the bo- tert j ut. fome ofliberall Abraham. Vetf 5. And When thou praieff.] A duty of that necefliry,that neither the immutability ofGods decree, Dan. 9: i. nor the in- fallibityof the promifes, Ez k36. nor the effecîuall interce!- Conofour Lord Chrift (who taught his Dilciples CO pray) can di !pence with us, for not doing it. the Jews accounted ie an abo- mination,c fde(òlation , when the daily Sacrifice. was intermit- ted and futpended, as under rintiochtss." Our Saviour perfumed his whole courfe, nay, his crotre with this incenfe, and thereby pur- chafed us chis priviledge, pavedus this new and living Way to the throne cif grace, yob. 16.. 4. a lure and fafe way to get mercy, vcrf.23. The Ark was never fparated from the Mercy-feat, to thew chat Gods mercy is neer unto fùch as affect his prefence. Some favcurs he hash reterved to this duty , that will nor o therwi{e be yeelded , Pfàl. ac6. 23. Ezell. 22.3o. As when he is fuliy'retòlved to ruinate a people or perton, he _filencech his ier%ants , and forbids them to fullicite him any further ; as Ite did Samuel interceding for Saul; and Jeremy for, leru- F L10. PI;;; r/L. a Itoín.8.s5. ct eu the hypocrites.] Who pretend to pray much, but in- , deed cando nothing at ic, becaufe &ftitute of the s iris of grace, an_