Chap.6. according to St M A T T H r: V v. 189 and of ,upplication ; without whofe help we know neither what, nor how to pray : Nay, Peter, games and ohn will be fleeping, mat.s6.38, when they (hould bepraying in the very hour of temptation. There maybe good words and washes found in a worldlings mouth, who Will thew ut any good ? But none but a David can withfaith, pfa1,4 6, feeling and fervency fay, Lord, lift tip the light of thy counte- nance upon me, &c. Balaam may breajt forth into wifhes and woulds, Oh let me die the death ofthe righteous, &c. But can he pray, as David in like cafe, P[1.26 9. Oh take not away my (Jul withfnnert. nor nay life With lloudy men ! An hypocrite may Hof 741, tell a perfwafive tale for himfelfin earthly regards, or howl upon When God is his bed in the wane of outward comforts;. Cry in extremity, as a 1e"lin av,,y pnfoner at thebarre, as a pigunder the knife ; or importune God ro fl s° uaé he for grace, as abridge to lead him to heaven ; not for any beauty he 3'9' feeth, or (weetncfie he lindes in it. But will he pray alwaies, will Job he delight himfdf in God? faith 706, Chap. 27. No furely; he neither doth, nor can do it. When God defers to help at a pinch, sam t .s c. as Saul ; when grief and vexations encrea(e, he frets and meddles ; noMore with calling upon God, but grunts againil him, becaufe he handles himnot after his own minde; and betaketh hianfeif to z sa,n,8,r, forre othercourfe. If God will not come at his call, and be at his Z King. beck, away to. the witch of Endor, with Saul; to the god of Ftcttere jine Ekron, as tAhaziah, toBaalim and Afbteroth,with the revolted I- 1fr:aelite.. Wherein he 'is like to thofe barbarous Chinon, that , ove. whip their gods, when they anfwer them not : or that refolute ab Ekron,abi Ruffin, that profanely paintedGodon the one fide of his shield, colebatur Beet, and the devil on the other, with this infcription, Si tome nobs, tehub, fattw ifferogitat : Or that defperate Kingof Ifrael, Rri-cld (faithhe) videtur,Ache- roo this evil i from the Lord, and What fhould I Wait for the Lord 2 Kín a any longer ? Loe,this is the guile of a godleffe hypocrite. Either g' 33° 'he called) not upon God (which is the defcription Davidgiveth of Pfa1.i4.4. him) but is poffefh, as it were, with a dumb devil, both in Churchand chamber. Or if by reading, or otherwife he have ra- ked together fome goodpetitions, and f{rive to let fome life upon them in the utterance,that he may feem to be well-gifted ; yet he Both it not to ferve God, but meetly to ferve himfelf upon God, He drawethnot nigh with a true heart; Heb.10.13. uprightly propounding Godsfervice inprayer, and not only his own fupply and fatisfa&ion. He isnot brought into Gods prefence with love and. define, as P f 1.40, S. He labours not with ftrife ofheart to worfhip ,