1.°2 A Commentary upon the Golel Chap.6. worfhip himwith his faith , truf} , hope , humility , fell denial!, being well content that Gods will be done however, and truly feeking his glory, though him°èlfbe not profited, acknowledging the Kingdom, power and glory to be his, Match 6.13. Laftly, Working not bya right rule, from a right principle, nor for a right end, he cannot undergoe the ftrife of prai_:r, as ?acob , who 73t.t,1 wreftledby might and fleight (fo much the Hebre w word im- Gen;z.as't,' loonfated,foonrtired. Ifcmennobferérhimnot,appl applaud pfal z7.4, not, he giveth over that courte, as tedious and unfavoury, that & 119, s t,8 z. wherein he findes no more good reliilI, then in the white ofan egge, or a dry chip. And in any extraordinary trouble, inftead of calling upon God, he runs from him, ifs. 3 3. 14 as Saul did, z Sam. 28.7. For they love to pray Handing, &c.] Stand they might : fo Lnk 8.I 3' did the Publican. Indwhen yefl-and and pray, faith our Saviour, Mar. ss not eta:king the gelture. It was commonlyufed among the Jews in the Temple, efpecially, at the folemn feafts, what time there was fuch retort of people from all parts, that they could hardly hand oneby another. The Primitive Chriftians alto ftood praying in their publikeAfl'emblies, betwixt Eafter and Whitfontide ape- -daily, in token ofour Saviours ftanding up from thedead.Whence ,,4b( /le iioni came that Proverb amongft them, Were it not far Handing in &o nonjubß¡le prayer, the worldwould notfand. Other geftures and poftures ter munch. of thebody in praier we read of. Davidand Eliah fate,and prai- Tertula ed. Peter andPaul kneeled, and praied. Mofe: and Aaron fell = Chron.a9. z King,19.4. on their 'faces, andpraied. In fecret prayer, there is more liberty Aû3.40. toufe thatgefture that may moft quicken us, and help the duty: Eph:f4.i;. Elias put his head betweenhis knees in praier (as one that would Numb. 16./z. titan-revery vein in his heart.) But in publike our behaviourmutt Nehems. , CA4.4 be fuch as may witneflé our communion and delireof rnutuall edi- fication : theremutt be a uniformity, no rents or divifions : and fpeciall care taken, that our inward affectionanswer our externals devotion : that weftand not in the Synagogues, as thele, with delire to beteenofmen (asSaidwas higher then the reft by head and fhoulders) forthat is putidhypocrifie, hatefull even awongft Heathens. Tally taxeth Graechia: for this, that he referred Tufc.quæjt,t.;. all his actions, not to the rule of vertue, but to the favour of the people, that l_e might have elteem and applaufe from them.