19Z A Commentary upon the Ge /el Chap.6. ditabled todoe hurt by thefe kindeofduties. They have poured ter15 forth a charm, when thy chaftening was upon them, I/à. 26. 16. zfa.i6,16, Yea, he is deeply wounded and driven out of the field, by thefe arrows of deliverance, as the King of Syria was, 2 King. 13.17. I Ti n s.f. which thereforehe keeps ( what he can ) from being multiplied iay75u!HS,PS'f- ù,os 'otTi, and enlarged. Fervent praiers are the pillars of fmo.ke, wherein S3 r Pet. 3.11. the Church afcendeth to God out of the wildernefle of this world, andby an humble familiarity converfeth, yea pa;leth with him, to precibut,quæ as Abraham and Mofes did (efpecially, when Saran, finne and font eleEtoru n corifcience accule) and ftandeth, as it were, upon interrogatories; GUN Deo radio, 4uia. gafor, fuck as are thole, Rom.8.3 3,34,3S. And when thou halt'hutthy door] So to (hut out diftradions, which yet will grow upon us, doewhat we can. For though the Sprit is willing to wait upon God, all the while of the duty, yet Rpm.7.1t: thefiefh is weak It being but partly mortified, draws away our thoughts many times ; and putteth us to St Paul: complaint, When I woulddoe goodevil isprefent with me. Satan altowill be jogging and interrupting us ; and will needs be talking tous when we are moft bufily fpeaking to God, as the Python iffre troubled St Paul, as he went to praier, Af1.16 16. Worldly things like- wife are fo naturali to us, and fo near our fenfes, heavenly things ara fo fupernall and fupernaturall, that we cannot without watcñ- Fratret ingour fenfes, and travell of foul, ftsy our fpirits long upon them. priaei6reui ¡jt- For help herein : S. Augttfline tolleth us, that the ancient Chi-Ali- Mig tJ'raPlifa ans e.Egypt were wont toufe only fhort and pithy praiers and eI °tu'atra era- ejaculations : filch as was that of Eli.u, when he contended with ,ionibat uti t'o the Priefts of Baal, charging God in two words with the care luijfert,ne per g g ( ) nun 61,5 evanrr. ofhis Covcnanr, of his truth, and of his glory. Many otherhelps tiret, t beau thereare for the curing and tatting out (in acomfortable mea!bre) rare ur intentio thefe by-thoughts; thefe birds that would rob Abraham of his fa- crifice ; thefe!warms of Egypt, that our hearts may be as to ma- ny Gofbens; thefecreeping things innumarab ?e, as D avidhath it. This among the rat, that our Saviour here prefcribeth, to retire Gen.at.33. into a fecrec place, as Abraham did into his grove at Beerfheba planted for the purpofe ( though that was afterwards ablated by the Heathens, and therefore forbidden the Ili-achees,Dcut.12.3 ) .1(a' ac had his Oratory in the fields, where he praied with deep me- ditation or (Zililoquie, as the word there figniheth, Rebeccahupon the ftrugling of the babes, went to enquire of the Lord, Gen.25. 22. that is, (he went to force fecret place co pray, and receive time