Chap.6. according to St M A T T H B vv. fume revelation from God,fay Calvin, Mufcultu,Mercer,others. yncob had vìuons of God, when hewas all alone upon the way : Elias praid under the Juniper, our Saviour in the garden of teeth- femane, and many times in the mount : Corneliru in Tome cor- ner of his houle, Peter on the leades, where alfo he fell intoan exta(ie or trance, and law heaven open. His foul was feparated ( after a fort) from his body for the time, whileft he was talking with God, he was fo tranfported and carried out of himfelf, ut raro effet pane nefcia carnis, as S. 7erome teftifieth of certain devout women of his time. For the place wepray in, nomatter howmean it bc,fo it be tecret. Where there is a ?enemy, a Daniel, a foraQ,a dungeon,a Lions den, a whales -belly are goodly oratours. Shut the door to thee, remembring the weakneffe of' thy flefh and the malice of thedevil, watching how todittraft thee. Co- venant with thy fenfes, and binde them to the good abearance all the"while : look God full in the tace, as David did, Pfal.57.7. call in,andcontenter thy thoughts, as men doe the Sun-beams into a burning glaffe : ferveGod with thy fpirir,as Paul did,Rom. t.9. fay, All that'sWithin mepraife bi, holyname. Have thy heart at thy right band, withSolomon: wife-man, lay Gods charge upon it to attend upon him : when it roves andwanders, call it in, and chide it ; judge and thame thy fell for thy diftra6tions, and ttrive to doe better, fo (hall they never be imputed unto thee. To be wholly freed from them, is a priviledge proper to the eftate ofper- fection. Some difeafes will not becured near home, but men mutt repair to the'Bath,or City for help. This infirmity is not to beheal- ed, till we come to heaven.No {huttingof the door will doe ir, nor any thing elle, till the everlafting doors be openeduntous, till we enter in by the gates into theCity of the livingGod. 'Pray to thyfather which is infecret ] There are no dumb chil- dren inGodshoule; the leaft he hath can aske him bleffing. All are not alikegifted, but every godly man prayeth unto thee, faith David : S. Paul was no fooner coverted, but heWas prayingpre. fently,Afts 9.1 i. Thefpirit of grace,is a fpirit of fupplication, and teacheth to cry eAbba,father, or Father, Father. And this very naming of theName of God in prayer (though _it be nomore,) fò it bedone in faith,entitles aman to heaven, 2 Tiin.z.19. if withall he depart from iniquity: When fuch as have the gift of Prophecy, andof doing miracles thall mifcarry, and be turned off at latt day,, becaufe workers of iniquity, Matth.7. And albeit Gods weaker O children 193 ÁFi& +.1. Apt.,o t,. éxçcrs r,,ustáf ferieoro al ftsí a terrore animo, cura Deo cc!Lr u:. tar. Bez i. If ye w:llnot hear me out, fe,rd me to my prifon a. gain air :ine iffy toadand froggy, which will not rtyt me while 1 talk with my LordGod. Pe.. ter Mrete. A:. and Men. fol.8r4. efal. t 3.1. Ecclef.y. Rev.zz. Pfal,3t,6b Gal..4.5.