194 t 4 Commentary upon the Go[iel Chap.6, children cannot utter their minde unto him inwel couched words, and variety ofexpreilions; yet,if their broken language come from abroken heart, it. avails more then affeeiation ofRhetorike , with- out affc ¿:ionof prayer. Menare better ¡.leafed with the Hammer- ing and lifping of their own littleones, then with all the plain ip_ech of all the children. in the Town betides. Yea, beccute the foul is lick, the fervice is twice welcome. As, if a tick childe reach us up a thing, we count it more then to fend another of a tabu- :4111. r g. nouserrand. I will fpare them, fair h he, as a man .fares his own ¡nne thatferveth hint. The bufineffe ofprayer is more difpztch- ed by lighs then fpeeches, by defires andgroans of the heart, to our father which is in ftcret, whether we can expretfe them in ovrrirro.áu words or no. The Spirit alto helpeth our infirmities ( he lifteth iavraTGu with us, and before us, as the word fignifies) and maketh intercef- Rom g.as. lion in usand for us with groans unutterable. And he that fearch- eth the hearts, knoweth what is the minde of the fpirit. As he heareth us withoutears, fo heunderffandeth us without our words. Ifwe can but groan out,Ah father, it is an efteduall prayer. The voiceis not limply required,7oh.4.24. There is great dilpute(faith D. Prelim of one) among the fchool-men, about the fpeech of Angels ; but Ytayer. this they agree in, that one Angel fpeaketh thus to another, when any one hath a conceit in his mindeofany thing, with a will that another thould underhand it, and that God fhould underhand it, that's enough for the expreffionof it. So is it with the fpirit of man in fpeaking to God : for the fpirit agreeth to theAngels. Yet we mutt pray for fit words allo. Hof. a 4.2. and l- ïrive.to.be enri. Yerlr4 provi ched in all utterance , and in all knowledge, a Cor. t. 5 . get an jaw remit non habit of heavenly-mindedneff'e, let the heart meditate a good mat- ínvra%e uen. ter,and then the tongue will be as the pen of a ready writer, P(àl. U4. ltic"`. 45.a. firh prepare theheart, and then tretch out the hands, Sob; a t.a.3. The heart fhould be praying a good while before the tongue ; as before the leven trumpets were founded at the open- mgofthe feventh leal, there was halfe an hours faience in. heaven. And furely, if there be an honet heart, and a good intention, an ability of prayer ufually is in us,though we know it not ; as a man may have money about him, and not know fo much, till neceflity make hirewilling to fearch,andglad to finde it : Remember,how- ever, the promite ofthe Spirits ailiitance,and Gods acceptance,and know, that as in finging,to in praying,thepleating melody is in the 10, heart. Thevoicewhich is made in themouth, is nothing fa fweet as .