Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

ACommentary upon the .Go el Chap. r. Ahazbe at Hete k iah ] Who lands betwixt his father ilhaz, and his fonneMana ffeh, as a lily between two thornes, or as a Fuller between two cothers : or, as that wretched Cardinal of Toledo in his preface before the Bible, printed at Complutum in Spain, laid ; that he fet the Vulgar Latine betwixt the Hebrew and Greek, as Chrifl was let betwixt two theeves. Here obferve (by the way) that yudahhad Tome enterchange of good Princes; Ifrac1, none: and that, under religiousPrinces the people were -V ipkorru, ever religious : as under wicked Princes, wicked. Mofl people will be of the Kings religion, beit what it will be, as the Melchites wereofold, and the Papifls Hill, ifM. Rogers (our Protomartyr in CZMariesdaies) tnay bebeleeved. The Papifis, faith he, ap- ply themfelves to the prefent late : yea,if the fiate fhould change ten times in the year, they would ever be ready at hand tochange with it, and fo follow the cry, and rather utterly forfàke God,, 416. and Moo. and beofno Religion, then that they would forgoe lufl or living, for God or Religion. Verfe so. And Ezechias begat Manaffes ] Who degenerates into his grandfather c 4haz, as the kernel of a well- fruitedplant Both, fomerimes, into that crab or willow which gave theori. ginall to his flock. This man was (till converted) as very a Non- luch in7a:dah, as Ahab was in /pad; Yet no King ofeither ludab or Ifrael reigned fo long ês he. It was well for him that he lived fo long, to grow better : As it had beenbetter for Afa to have died. ¡boner, when he was in his prime. But they aremet in heaven, I doubt not : whither, whether we come boner or later, happy are we. And talanalfes begat Amon] Who followed his father in fin, Dan. but not in repentance. Andthouhsston, o" Belfhazzar, haft not humbled thine treart, though thou kneweft all this : But haft lifted up thy¡elf again¡ the Lord, &c. It is a Sul preface and defert of ruine, not to be warned. This was a bloody Prince,therefore lived notout halfhis daies, Q ¡Merits raign was the fhortefl of any fence theConquefl, Richard the third onelyexcepted : Yet [he was nonnaturei,/edpuntificiarum arteferox, fay tome. And Amonbegat Ic/as] Ofwhom that is true, that S. Hierom writesofanother, In brevi viti ffacio tempora virttetum multa replevit : Or as M. Flooker fpeaketh.of K. Edward 6. He departed %on, but lived long : for life confifts in action In all theft is thelfe ofmy s iris, faith, Hezekiah, Ifa.3.8.15,16. but the wan- ton