Chap.z. according to St M A T T H E vr. their authority ) Satan exercifeth his malice againft the Saints, lending them his 7heads to plot,and his i ohorns to pufh;but all in vain, P(1.2.5 Verfe 14. When he arofe, he tooktheyoung childe,&c.] Wki- ther God leads, we mull chearfully follow, though he teem to mapnut eft a lead us, as he did Ifrael in the wilderneffe, in and out, , backwards námuu que re and forwards,as ifwe were treading in a maze : although we were 2e rradádrr ' g S,ree. togowith him into thofe places Tigris ubi nulla campis e,4rbor as ivâ recreatur aura" : Zuod lam( mundi ne6ula,maluj Her. lib. 1.0 1, upiter urger. 31. finddeparted into Et ypt ] Acountrey, for its fruitfullnefle and abundance,anciently called, publicum Orbis horreum, the Worlds Worreum uncle great granary or barn : And to this day, fo far as theRiver waters, haureatttr. they do but throw in the feed, and have four rich harvefls in leffe Bu,rsMCI, then four moneths, faith a late traveller. Hither fieeth the Son of lnro the ge God, te- as to afanauary of fafecy. And force fay, that at his vane pag.3 t. thither, all the Idols fell to the ground. Sure it is, that when the love of Chrifl oncecometh into the heart, all the idol-desiresof the worldand flefh,fall to nothing. Ho[ea 14.8. Verfe 15. Andwas there, till the deathofHerod. Which was a matter of twoor three years at leall. For Chrifl was born in the Epiphanies 3z of Herods raign, fled when he was about two years old,or loos suit kec bien. after his birth (asothers are ofopinion)and returned not till Herod olio pof narum was dead,after he had raigned 37 years. Cbrá¡lum onri- That it might befulfilled, that was fj: ok n &e.] When the old g`f' Teflament is cited in the New, it is not only bywayof accommo- dation, but becaufe it is theproper meaning of the places, both in the type and in the truth. Verfe 16. Then Herodwhen he (w that he was mocked] He had mocked them,and yet takes it ill to b. mocked of them,tohave his ownmeafiire : He never takes notice of this, that God ufually maketh fools of his enemies; lets them proceed, that they maybe fruftrated; and when they are gone to theutmolt teachof their ted- ter,pulls them back totheir task,with (haine. Was exceedingwroth, andfeatforthandflew] In their anger they flewa man,laith7acob of his two Ions, Curled be their anger, fir it war fierce,£&. Gen 49.6,7. It is indeed the fuiy of the unclean fpirit,that old manflayer, a very beaft withincliche art ofa man ;