See Wilfcne clfwhcre t ken nth Z tl Andall the region roundabout Jordan.] Stirred up by the noife ofthat new preacher. So fundry amonglf us will be content , o hear, if there goe a great report of the man ; or, if he deli- ver force new Dodrine ; or , deal in deep points, as Herod, Lu. a ;.8.But thefe A zon grow weary,ard fall off;asthofeJews dii joh.5.3 t from John,for the which they were jolly taxed by our Savicur. V.:rfèé. And here G'aptimd of him in Jordan.] Baptizing 'of profelyt:s was in nfe among the Jews, before toe daies of John B op*.rft. From this cut-tome ( faith Broug. ton) though with- Tas ei 9. out commandm nt, and of fnall aut! ority, Chriff authorifth a 41al cf entring him his reff, tiring theJews weakneff: as an allure- ment thither. As from bread and wine, ufed with the Pafchall Lamb, being without all commandment of Mofes, but rcflir g upon the common re fan given by theCreatour, he authorifeth a Peal ofhiaOcIo and blond. In Jordan] At Bethalara, Tog. 1.z8. that is , at that very place, where thepeople of JfrPelpaff.d over 7ordan, and poff:f- fed the Land. Baptifine then was there fit c adrninglred, where it had beenofold fore- fhadowed. Hereallo we fee, that the as of Xofhua and lefns took their happybeginning, atone and the fame place. And like as the people, of :er theyhad palled over Jordan, werecircumcifd, before they received the Land by lot of inherit- ance : So, after we have been baptized, and thereby enrolled a- mong the Citizens of the new Ieruflem,, the remnants of rwr;a rte finne, and f perfHit) ofnaugh :inepe muff be daily paredoff' by the rsxas. I al,v. pradiceofmortification ere we can come to the Kin dome of on to thegat- b geand exert« Conffng theirfins] In token oftheir true re cntance.For as on,- ments of the p° facr,ficcd Kraft ly theman,that is wakenedout ofhisdream, can tell his dream;fo s ?uo> oyw 9u ö only he that is wakenedout of his fins, can clearly confeffe them. k/taperta 0' And this confeflionof fin,joyned with cunfufion of fin (without c+ara vice son the which,confeffionis but winde,& thedrops ofcontrition,wa- f16Y'' tet) is that which inbaptifine we reftipulate. Not theputting away .rQrúni,ca. °f . 14 Commentary upan the Go el Chap.3, nuity asthat tailing Rabfhakeh, 2 King. r 8.; 2. Verse 5. Then.Went out to him Icru/'lem] Hitherto the pro-' f opography of the Bapt ifs : Follows now the report that was made untohim; for by his divinedó`trine and auftere life,he had merit- ed among many to be taken for the Mt°fah, Job. t. Andall laded That is, very many, as the word (flll) hmany a i e new 'e. amens. Diâionaiy times