4Z A Commentary upon theGo pl Chap.3. Luther. Which fay ing, theugh condemned by PopeLeo, is cer. tainly an excellent faying. . (Mect fir repentance,] That weigh juff as much as repentance, that mayparallel, and prove it tobe right, evince and evidence Cony. it tobe a repentancenever to berepented of. There is no grace but hath a counterfeit. Sec therefore that your graces be of the right Tlaefi 1: 3. ffamp,aa of duall fairh,lzbor:ous loae,patieut hope, &c.as the A- po(lle hath it. See that your performances and whole courf bó A E'c' ntte, fuch as becomes repentance, and 'may juftife it ; as may bear iá htr. 11.164 6, weight in thebalánee ofthe fanEluary, and amount to as much à Co z, as repentance comes to. And albeit your righteoufneffes be but Nsh.13.ra, as a menftruous clout, and your works at bell (if triedby the tire ofthe Word) would burn (which _Wade good Nehemiah ro pray for pardon of bis reformations) yet upon your true repentance for the evil that cleaves to your belt works, your fuels may be Pa- ved from the wrath to come ; yea they are fuch & accompany pl. ileh.e.o. vation, andcomprehend it, as the GreekScholiaft expounds that èoueace, c, text. Labourther- forero have a heart full of Qoodneffe, as thofe r17-sy_e2era Romans, Chap. i 5,14, and a Ido full of good Works, as Tabitha, mrné4s 4El 9.3 3. fuch as may befem amendment oflife. Verf 9. And thinke not to fly Withinynor felvea. ] Hypocrites are never without their flatting-holes, out ofwhicp they mug be fcrretted. There are infinite turnings and windings in theheart of man, fiudious ofdeceiving it felt by forne paralo4ífñe. Therefore ane xoyróce - the Apoflle fooft prçmif_th, Be not deceived, whenhe reckons up vas sat reprobates, r Cor 6 9. Eph.5.6 rrc. J ""`.Z wehave e..4brahamto ourfather] What Ofthat? fo hadlfhmarl anout-ceff, Efate a caftaway, dCc. f x ernail priviledges profit not, where nathing better canbe pleaded. Nabal the flap' was of the lineo` f:i':hfull Caleb, ienplevit poirne,Followed'mnefulj, faith God, Numb. 14. 24. Vertuc is nor, as lands, inheritable, Why fhould thefe men brag they had eflbraham to their father, when they might have obferved, that(od had raifed up of this Rene, a Eon to Caleb I cJod ù able] His power is, I. Abfalute, whereby hecan doe more then hedotli. 2. Atuall, whereby he loth that Only that he willeth. Some things he can do., but will not, as here, and Maith 2653. Rom.9. t 8. Somethingshe neither will nor can, as to lie, to due, to deny himfelf. 2 Tirn.243.2it,i.3, Heb.6.17. for theft, things ccntradrat his eflence, and imply impotency. But