Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

go A Commentary upon the Gojel Chap.3, ,let andaeoa. earneft feeking,burning zeal, readings, watchings,fweet affemblies, ,'èí.15 °, love, concord, godly living, fairhfull marrying with the faithful!, may make us now in thefe our dayes of free profeffion to blufh for ¡bid,1g.3. (hame. George Eagles, Martyr,inQ.Maries daies, for his great pains* travelling from place toplace to confirm the brethren,was fìrnamed,T'rudge-ov er-the. world;& c. To be 6aprit.L-4 ofhim] Not for any need he had (for hewasa Lamb without blrmifb of naturali corruption, and without .s<j of ofac uall tranfgrefïïon, t Pet.t.i9.) but meetly for our benefir,to fanetifie baptitme tous,and to gracehis own ordinance for us. J'ssra or ob Verfe 14. But loboforbadhim [ Flatly forbad him, and kept r i. sF Fromm. him out of the water, withboth hands, earnetlly ; not out of dif- bo: ; uAvint obedience, but reverence; though faulty and etroreous. The very prr¡.l,riorú befl have their blemifhes. Omnib:a maltypunicis ineftgra:sumpu- d td exprin:rn- tre,dixit Crates: And the fait eft Apple -tree may have a fir of bar- dawn. rennefle. But for involuntary infirmities, and thofe ofdaily incur bon, there is apardon ofcow fe, if filedour. And although Satan flood at the right hand of 'ehofhuah the high Priefl, becaufe (as fcme will have it) his accufation was as true as vehement, and (o Satan feemed to have the upper handofhim : Yep although he was fo illclothed,yet he flood before the Angel.Chrift didnot abhor his prefence,nor rejet hisfervice. - I have need to be baptifedofthee] Therecan be no fiefhwith- D. Fall, outAlthinefie,as a grave Divine noteth upon this text. Neither the fupefiaturall conception,nar atflere life of john couldexempt him from need ofbaptifine. eiixd comtme fi< theu to me ?], Amica oCppa44c, a friendly falling out,but quickly made up. Molt ofour jarrings grow from miftakes. Befwift to hear, flow to wrath ; eafly fatisfied. Not like glaties, which being once broken,cannot bepeeved again. Ovid. ua (iota pugnîcrant jxnpuxt fearoilra colomba. 6onfratsueum Verfe 15. Suffer it to be ¡ now] Or, Let be,now : for theBap- e¡t,uijea4 raa- till teems tohave laid hands upon Chrill, to keep him off. Our Sa- nu lo"nem viour af[ents to that fobn had faid, but yet thews caufe, why he t tare fbould fufferit fo to be,for prefenr. leurn. kcaCm. To fu!!fill all righteoufnefe] Not legalionly, and ofequalíty, but that ofhis pretent condition alfo,and of equity ; to the end,that` all kindeoffinners might have all kinde ofcomfort in Chrift,an ab- foluce and all.fufficienc Saviour. ÿvrr,$ñs, Then be f ffercdhim ]. The wifedomfromabove iegentle, and rafie