Chap.27. acco rding to S` M A T T r3 B VV. 619 vifited by the fuperftitious fort of Chriftians andnot unreverenced by theTurks themfelves. c ind he rolled agreat/lone Either for an infcription to the fepulcher, or for more fafety to the body, or that theglory of the returre&ion might be the greater, or all there together. Verfe 61. And there Feas Mary Magdalen ] Carefully watching where they laid the Lords body, that they might not leave off their kindeneffe to him living or dead, as (he' faid of Boaz, Ruth 2. o. Heavy they were as heart could hold : yet net hindred thereby from doing their duty to Chrift. So Daniel, though tick, yet did the Kings bufineffe. Even forrow for fin, if it foexceed, as to difable usfor duty, is a tinfoil forrow, and mutt be torrowed for. . Verle 62. Now the next day that followed] That is, on that high-day, that double Sabbath; they that had fo oft quarreld Chrift for curingon the Sabbath, requeft a fervile work to be done, of fecuring and fealing up the fepulcher. It is a common pro- verb, Mortui non mordent, Dead men bite not. But here Chrift, thoirgh_dead and buried, bites and beats hard upon there evil mens con!ciences. They could not reft the wholenight afore, for fear he fhould get out of the grave forme way : and fo create them further trouble. Scipio appointedhis fepulcher to be to placed,as his image itabding upon it might look direr ly toward iiErica that being dead he might (till be a terrour to the Carthaginians'. And Cadw.,llo, an ancient King of this Iland, commanded his dead body to be embalmed, and put into abrazzn image, and fo fet upon a brazen horfe over Ludgate, for a terrour to the Saxons. I t is well known that Zirca, that brave Bohemia0, charged his Taborires, to flea his corps, and head a drumwith his skin ; the found whereof as oft as the enemies heard, they fhould be appa- led, and pur to flight. And our Edznard the firff, adjured his fhn and Nobles, ftat if he died in his journey into Scotland, they ihould carry his corps about with them, and:not fuffer it tobe interred rill they had vanquithed the Ufurper, and fnbdued the ccuotrey. Something like to thisj.the Prophet Ijiah fore- celleth ofour Saviour Gardwe fee it here accomplifhed.) when'he faith, In that day the root of ¡efre flail srand up Ifa., a,ro, the prople, and even; his refit ( or, as fameread it, his fepulcher, ) ;ball Verfe 63. Sir, We remember, &c.] They that had forgotten f fo