Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

620 A Commentary upon the Go el Chap.27. to many Tweet and favoury fayings of our b1eft:d Saviour, and -written them all in the fand, could remember ( but for nogood purpofe, ) that which his Difciples could not fo readily call to minde for their good and comfort; no nor und,rtland it, when plainly told them, Mark9.32. The foui Mould be as an holy Ark, the memory as the pot of Mannab, preferving holy truths,. for holy ufes. But mot} men have memories like nets, that let goe the clear water, catch nothing but flicks, and ref ufe-ftuffe ; or like fieves, that retain the chafe, let go the good corn : like the creature Cervarios, that if hebut look back, forgets the meat he was eating, though never fo hungry, and feeks for new : Or Sabínus in Seneca, who never in all his life could get by heart thole three names of Homer, Vliffes and Achilles. Old Tongs, . old wrongs, &c. they can retain fufficiently ; but in mattersof God ,their memories ferve them not. This deceiver lid] .Mon mute as they ufe. tulerit Gracchos ? who can endure to hear the devil taxing Godofen- vy, as he did to our firft parents ? or thefe deceitfull workers IávP3. calling the Faithficll and true Witnefe, a deceiver, a cheater, Luftath.ív one who doth profe(fe an art of cofening men to their faces ? for Han,, fo the Greek word fignifieth. We muff look to hear all that naught is, either whiles alive, or when dead. Melancthon mortuue,tantom non ut blafphemtuin down, crucia 4gitur, faith 24tEch Mlet, Zanchy r, and all becauCe he pleafed not, in all points, thepcevifh epifì,dedie. Lutherans. Verle 64. Command tbereßre ] How fain would the devil by his agents have kept Chrift (till in the grave, when there they had him. But all in vain : for his refurrec`fion was to be the demonfiration of his deity, Rom.a.4. and the groundworkofour fafety, a Cor.a5.14, He turned therefore their counfell intofoo- lifhneffe, and in the fight of fo many armed wimefles, role the third. .dg 26.7. day, indefpite of theta, breaking the bondsof death as eafìly, as S'amp(dn did thegr.enwiths. Leaff his Difciples come by night] A mot} vain, and yet a aloft vexing fear, fuch as was that of Herod after he had behead- ed Tohn Baptift : he thought e'e heard that holy head ever (hoot- ingand crying out,againil nim, for his cruelty, This is 2ohnRap faidhe(whenhehear,hetameof Jeus, )Whom ¡have be- headed. Exod.23.28., I Wile fend the hornet, faith God, before thee, What was.that hornet,_but the misgiving fear of the Cana- unites