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Chap.27. according t,o St M A T T EI P V v. 62I anites felf condemning confciences, that haunted them perpetual- ly ? Sohere. Verfe 65. Pilate Fad unto them] He was willing to pleafe both fides : and therefore condefcends both to fofeph of Arima- thea for his burial!, and to the Priests for fecuring the fepulcher. Ko:vcptriìs erat utpote qui ab omnibus gratiam inire cupiebat qualer quidam per jocum placentae dixit. But ifIyetpleafe men, faith Paul, as once I did when I was a Pharifee, I am no mere the fervant of Chrifl : He (corns that fuch bafecounterfaifance fhouid befound in his followers. Mordecai will not crouch or curry fa- vour, to dye for it. Micaiah will not budge, though Pure tokite the flocks for his flififneffe. re have a Watch] Appointed for the nie and fervice of the Temple, a band ofgarifon- fouldiers whohad their captaine, Açt. -4.I. and are here fet to watch that true Temple wherein the God. head dwelt bodily, i.e. perfonally. Verfe66. So they Went and made the fepulclZier [lire] And now they teemed to danceuponChrifts grave, as thinking them- felves cock-lure of him.So did thofe bloody tyrants ofthe Primi- tive times (who proudly engraved upon pillars of marble,Nomine Chriflianorum deleto, qui Remp. evertebant,) make no other reckoning, but to razeout the name ofChrift from under heaven. Therefore alto they did notonly confiture laws andproclamati- onsagainft Chriftians, but did engrave the fame laws in tables of braffè ; meaning tomake all things firm for ever and a day. But he that fat in heaven, and faid, let have 1 fet my King upon my holy hill of Sion, laughed at them, Jehovah had them in derifi- on. Look howDaniel was innocently condemned, caft into the lions den, had the door fealed upon him, and to fee to, no hope or means of life was left him; and yet, by Gods good providence, he came forthuntouched, and was made agreater man then ever : Soour blefled Saviour was innocently condemned, caft into the grave, fealedup among the dead, and to common judgement left as out ofminde : yet early in the morning, at the time appoint- ed by the power of his deity, he railed himfelf from death, and glorioufly triumphed over it and hell. Now thanks be unto God Which alß caufeth us to triumph in Chrifl, having as prifoners of hope, brought us vut of the pit by the blood of thecovenant, Zech.9.II,I2. Sf a Gal. e .1(1. Cofof.s. &. PCal,z,4_g, zCor.z.t4;