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ó2z c4 Commentary upon the Gaie hap.28. CHAP. XXVIII. Verfe i. The fart day of the tkeek ] Eîsmiav ( Reek, of the Sabbaths. One day offeven is due to Godof ne- ay. V cefïìcy. This the Scripture calls by anexcellency the Sabbath_ day without a difference : as if it were the eldefr brother to ail the dales of the week, which is called here and el(ewiiere Sabbaths in the plurals, Pfal.24. title, A.Pfaim of David. To this the Revel. Y. Greek adder', Of the firft day. of the week, which now is the Chrifiian Sabbath, called the Lords day, in honour ofChrilt, and in a thankful' remembrance of his refurrec ion. See the Note on, foh.2o. I. Tofee thefepulcher j To fee what the Pharifecs had donewith the Lordsbody the day before ( for they knew they had bees tan, pering, and feared the worft, as love is fufpitious )and to bring the fpices, which by anealie errour, they had prepared,_Like 24. I. They knew not, belike, that 7ofeph and Nicodemus had been at that colt and pains Before them ; neither did any of them con, rider that what they did herein was fuperlluous, for that it was A&.z. ámpoJble fir Gods holy one to fee corruption. But he is plea- fed to pafie by our well-meant weakneffes, where the heart is upright. Verfe 2. 4lnd behold,.&ç:]-The holy Ghoft here calls for as great attention, as if wehad been prefenr and leen it. Remem. = Tflm.z 8 ber (faithSt Paul) that refus Chrif , of the feedofDavid, was refifedfrom the dead, according to my Golpel. All the four Evan- gelifis have therefore punctually recorded it, that wemay remem- 11ut1ans alìam ber and ruminate it, as a main remarkable. euum dicebat There was a great earth. quake] .Pythagoras laid the reafen terrx,motar ofearthquakes was, the meeting of the dead : An odde conceit. quBm c000vtn- But the true reafon of this earchqu!ake, was our Sav:ioursriing t,ra'rrortuo from the dead, in de(pite of infernal' fpirits, who therefore qua- ruan. Æ(i.,n. ked as much as the earth did, as Hilary bath it. The earth (hook 1, 4, Rid.cute. y Ite%urpen!e both at Chrifts paffion, and at his reitirrec`tion Then, to (hew virtututnce. that it could netbsar his fuffering: Now, to (hew that it could leflium dor,ino, not hinder his ding. inferrorum tre- Rolled baclz,theJíons j As an officer Pent to let Chrift out of datio comneo- etar. :ear. prifon, without the keepers content. And rt upon it j In contempt of all.their weapons, which fell