Chap.28. according to Sr M A T T x L VV. fell out of their hands for woe, at the fight of the Angell. And as a mighty man when he fits down, (hakes the bench under him, fo do thefe the earth. Verfe 3. Hü countenance War like lightening] So that though he appeared in humane (nape, yet it might ealily appear that he was more then a man : his vifage (hewedhis pow r, his habit his innocency, to the terrour of the keepers, andcomfort of the women. Verfe4. The keepers did "hake 1. And well they might, as coming to fee they had born armesagainft God, and were there- fore obnoxious to his wrath. It is a fearfull thing to fall into rile puni(hing hands of the living Godhere : How then will wick.. Omenbear the horreur of the laff day ? When they shall have. an angry God over them, hell gaping beneath them, an saccufing confciencewithin them, the world all on a light fire about them, the elements melting like fcalding lead upon them, the good An- gels 'teftifying again(¢ them, Sob 20.27. the evil Angels waiting to worry them, and hurry them tohell ? Oh the unipeakable a- kings and quakingsof heart 1 the terrible apprehenfions, the con- vulfions of fpirit that (hall ceize and furprize them at that dread- full day 1. Verfe 5. Fear not ye] As the wicked are forbidden to re- Joyce for joy as ether people, Hof.9.1. So the godly to fear, fo û31.46.2, long as they have Chriftby the hand no, though the earth be re- moved and the mountains.cdi into the midli of the fea. David. pral,zj 3, would nor fear the jhadowofdeath, the darkeft fide ofdeath, death in its molt hideous and horrid reprefentations, becaufe GodWas with him : When Manaffei, that faced the heavens in his prof perity, in trouble bafely hides his head among the bu(hes, and is ,C(ron.33r i, therehence fet, and.bound wich fetters. Thefe delperatefouldi- ers run away as daflards, when the women fluid it put, and as truedaughters ©f faithful Sarah, they are neta iraidwith any,a- s per.1.6. ara4,ement. I know that ye feek. ?erips] God and his Angels, know our goodneffe, why then should we hunt after mens applaufe ? Cæ/àr hoc ipf veram laudemmeruit, quod fal,m cootempfit, faith Lip. feu : It (hould fuffîceus, to know, that our faith, now little foe- ver teenor let by, by the world, Jhall be flood to praife,anáhonour andglory at the appearing of 7efu4 Crrifl", i Pet.I.7. Thecclip- fed Moon !hall by degrees. wade out of thefhadow. S 3, 623 yerfe.."