624 A Commentary upon the Goalel Chap.28, Verle 6. He is sot here] q.d. You are much miflaken, and de- ferve to be chidden for your not crediting, or at 1eaft, your not re- membring, that he foretold you of his refurreaion. All which nocwithllanding, Come'fee the place, &c. q d. beleeve your own eyes at leaf{. Hilaria eft bac 6 plena gaudio invitatie, faith an Interpreter. What marvell then though they departed with fear for their faithlefneffe, and Joy for the goodnews the Angels had told, and fhewd them ? For he is rifen ] Confentaneum eft Phanicens ante pofiremum annum Neronis, fzgnificaffeRerrrewlionem Chrifii, fí omnium Vio ih Nerone credentium, ex morte receptil divinitús vitá. ThePhenix is a fit emblem of the Refurredìion. Verfe7.And go quickly] Angels are called feraphims fov their burningzeal : and are laid to bewinged creatures for their fpeedinefle in ferving God and his people. Gabriel wearied him - sn 9Y° ielf,as it were,wich fwift flight, to certifie Danielof his good ac- ceptance inheaven. And this Angell bids thefe womengo quick- ly and carry the good news of the refurrediion. Neither God nor Cicer. s. toruf Angels can abideofcitancy and dulneffe in any. Tardismentibua virtus non facilè committitur, could the Heathen lay. Tellhis Defciples ] And Peter with the firft, Mark 16.7. be.. caufe he is molt dejedged ( and it is God that comforteth chafe satieefipro that are call down, z Cor.7.6. the lion of the tribe of 7udab finale leoni, fpareth the proftrate prey ) the reft are in their dumps,asveil they may, for deferting Chrift; but Peter efpecially for deny* him. Now therefore, that he is in a wildernejf, of ploddictgs and per- plexities, Chrift {peaks to his heart, Hof.z.14 Hé loves to com- fort chofe that are forfaken of their hopes. Loe, Ihave toldyou] q.d. Be gon now about your bufinefie : you have your full errand, and this is all I haveat prefent to ay to you. Thefe good women, atfirft afraid of the Angell, are now hardly perfwaded to depart fromhim : They could have been content to have heard him further. How unfpeakably delicious unto us (hall be that innumerable company of Angels, Heb.xz. Gnotarn ham. 2z. that world of angels, as the Hebrew Dodtourscall ir, that cnaleaebim. Panegyric or Cogregacion -houfe of the firft- born enrolled in heaven as free denifons ? O pr eclaru :m ilium diem cum ad illud Cic, de Sene /I animorum concilium caturbg2 proficifcar, &c. Paid the Heathen Oratour. Verfc 8. 4ndthegdrparted quickly] According as they were bidden.