Chap.28. acco rd ing to Si hl A T T H Ivy. bidden. A ready heart makes riddance of Gods work, and does it upquickly, as afraid tobe taken with its task undone. Baruch repaired earneltly,and had done quickly, Neh 3.20. Alexander da being asked howhe had fo fòon over-run fo many countreies ? an- ldw vJ-. fwered roundly, by making quickwork, by difpatching, andnot Pita: lingering long in a place. with fear and great joy] Aftrange compofition, of two con- trarypaons : but frequently found in the belt hearts. Pfal,a.t i. God loves at once familiarity and fear. Verfe9. ?elms met them] Ea obedientia pramium,timorir re- medium, faith Pareus.God Rill a,eets his people in the ufe of his ordinances,lhewing them great and mighty things that they knew not before, ler, 3 5.3 Heldhim by thefeet j As thole that would loofehim ño me-e, TheSaints do fti11 the fame by faith clafping about Chrift cleavingunto him,as it werebycarmanconta& Verfe io. Go tell my brethren] Brethren 1till, though foully_. fallen, ler.3.i. Infirmities difcard us not, if bewailed, difclaim ed,fet againft. Verte 11. Some ofshe watch came into the city] God would have the point of the Refurreâion well proved, for our better fettlement, in foweighty a matter. The Priefts were unworthy. to hear of it by an Angel : they 11-a11 hear ofit therefore by the profane fouldiers, who come in to them much affrighted, and thunder- ftruck, as it were, and told them all. Now the confetTi- on of an advert ary isheld in law to be themolt certain demanftra -. tion ofthe truth, that can be. Verfe i 2. They gave large many] q.d. We know that you fouldiers are good fellowes,and both loveand lack mony. Nowif you will but fay thus and thus, youfhall have a round fummepaid you down in ready cath, c c. And what will not fuckmen fayor do for mony? Pecunia avido.r firma m;>.da.'1 induRrios, jamilla promifo temerarios, faith Aretiazs. Verfe 13.. Stole him away while we f ept ] If it were fo, I.Ye kept a good watch the while; and wanted (brae Epaminondas.. to flay you for {heping. 2. 11 all allotp, who told you his pies (tole him ? .did you fleep waking as lions do ? or did they make to little noife that you. never heard them about it? as Sr Francis Drake, at Taurapa, in the Weft -Indies, founda Spa- Camd. niárd ileeping fecurely upon the there; and by him thirteen fol.aza... wedges , 625