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626 A Commentary upon the Geld Chap.28. PfaL iq,;, wedges of uilver, which he commanded tobecarried away, not fo much as once waking the man. Surely here it was neitherfonor fo s but the devil, who began at firft his kingdomby lying, and by lying full upholds it, fetthef fellows awork to fay, as they were taught, any thing for mony though never fo abfurd and falle. But mony got on this manner will prove aurum Tolor- num, burn in thy purfe, and bring Gods curte upon all thy fubftance. Verfe 14. We will perfwade him, and fecure you ] Hypocrites have enough, if they can collogue with men and efcape the lath of the law. God is not in a!l their thoughts, or they think theycan perfwade him, and fecure themfelves. Hence that over- flow of finne, through hope of impunity, and abundance of A- theifine.' Verfe 15. So they took_ the many] So fequacious are lochmen to finne, where any thing is to be got by it. Balaamwill venture hard for the wages of wickedneflè. Set but a wedge of gold in fight, .and Iafhuah, that could flop the Sun in his courfe, cannot flay Achan from fingering it. e.fnd thïa ¡ying is commonly reported] They weregiven up tobeleeve this lye, becaule they receivednot the love of the truth, that they might be laved, 2 Thef.z. so. There are that fenle it o therwife. This laying is commonly reported ; that is, this vile itnpofture of. the Priefis and fouldiers, wretchedly confpiring to cofen the world with fuch a bale lye, is {uFizciendy known for a peece ofknavery, and is fo refented to this day. Think the fame of the Trent-conventicle, carriedby the pope, and his agents,with fomuch fineneffe, Vic. but fo as now, alk's come out to their eter- nail infamy. Verle 16.: Went away into Galilee]Theyhad feen him twiceor thricebefore at leru f lam : yet took a long journey here into Ga. liter to leehim again. Whom havingnot Jeen ye love, 1 Pet. .8. Anftins with was to tee Chriftrim in carne. But if we had known (hrifi after the flefh,) et faith S `Paul, henceforth fhould we know him fo no more, z Cor.5,16. fith thecomfortable pre- fence of his fpirir, is better then his corporall pretence, and more to our benefit, Ioh.16,7. By, this it is, that thotí;h nowwe fee himnot, yet beleeving, we rejoyce with rsnt eatable andglori- oue joy, .i Pet.] .8. and muff not think much of a journey, yea though it be nor to á mountain in Galilee, but co the nea- t verily